Dr Geraldine Cohen

Dr Geraldine Cohen is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Brunel Business School. She is a Fellow of the Higher education Academy, Member of the British Academy of Management, Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) since 1986 and Chartered Marketer since 1998. She has more than 25 years of International Business and Marketing experience. Dr Cohen had previously ran a marketing consultancy, advising industrial and commercial clients as well as non-profit organisations. Dr Cohen has been the Brunel Business School lead on Co-Innovate collaborations with London based SMEs since 2014.

 “In 2014 I have advocated and initiated Brunel Business School (BBS) to become a partner in the Co-Innovate collaborative programme. Building on our research and teaching achievements across a wide range of business and management disciplines, we have established to date 30 successful tripartite collaborations between London based SMEs, start-ups and entrepreneurs involving BBS students (undergraduate and postgraduate) and their supervising academics and we are currently working towards establishing many more. The Business School Co-Innovate Team, work on collaborative projects that see companies suggest real-world innovation challenges related to marketing, strategy, finance, or international business. With the launch of Co-Innovate Journeys we are forecasting 40-50 collaborative projects over the next 3 years. In addition we are working together with Business School colleagues and across the university towards developing research projects involving innovation in the SME sector. We are very keen to engage fully in the new Co-Innovate Journeys eco-system.” 

Main interests:

  • Marketing innovation (development and promotion of new ideas, products, social constructs)
  • Entrepreneurship (management/marketing support for start-ups and SMEs)
  • Brands and Branding; Brand Loyalty; Employer Branding (developing successful brands)
  • Marketing within Professional Service Firms (law, accountancy, architecture and design practices)
  • Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (advancing pedagogical methods and techniques