Collaborate: bring your design ideas to life with the help of a Brunel Design student


For our next academic year 2018-19: we are offering you the opportunity to work with our final year design students on a product/service design project starting September 2018 through to April 2019 - over 400+ hours of innovative thinking dedicated to your design challenge. Our students work in depth on projects set by industry partners, taking them from an idea through to a prototype design.

We are actively looking for project briefs setting challenges for new product or services you are thinking of launching. If your project gets matched to one of our talented students you can get access to an enthusiastic designer looking at your brief from a fresh perspective, backed by grounded research and academic rigour.

Past projects have included: consumer products, digital services, medical devices, lighting, furniture, internet based devices, architectural applications, user-Experience design products, screen based product or service design.

Please download a Project Brief Template to start you on your collaborative journey. Alternatively please contact us for more details.

The deadline to submit briefs for our first round of company/student matchmaking is 2nd July 2018 and if successful you will be invited to meet our students in early July to kick start the collaborative process.