Brunel Health
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Research and development
Brunel Health
Brunel University London has world-class expertise in working with health sector stakeholders, finding solutions to develop better health outcomes and innovations in Medical and Health Sciences, Biosciences, Life Sciences, Biomedical Technology and Digital Health.
Our expertise areas
Biomedical Technology
Our Biomedical Engineering research is interdisciplinary, using the skills and knowledge of academics from Engineering and Life Sciences. Research and development are being conducted in different areas including diagnostics, cardiovascular mechanics, organ-on-a-chip, prosthetics and diabetes. This has led to the development of smart devices for rapid screening, monitoring, diagnosis and therapy of diseases at the point of care and/or in laboratory settings.
Cancer and Cell Biology
Our cell and molecular biologists are striving to understand the mechanisms that keep our cells healthy, and how these can be disrupted; e.g. in cancer through the chromosomal aberrations that can arise as a consequence of exposure to radiation.
Digital Health
We have the expertise in digital health areas such as Bioinformatics, Computational Medicine, Medical and Health Data Analytics, Modelling and Simulations, Immersive Data Visualisation, Assurance, Security, Provenance of medical Data, Multi-Sensorial Technologies for Medical Applications and Data Driven Health Service Productivity.
Environmental Toxicology
Our research explores how harmful chemical mixtures in the environment can disrupt hormonal processes and should be considered as global health hazards. Working with regulatory bodies, we have developed a new approach to assessing the risks of these environmental pollutants.
Genetics and Genomics
Our researchers use sophisticated laboratory techniques and "big data" analytic methods to examine genetic influences on health and disease, and assess the safety of novel gene therapies.
Health Promotion, Policy and Economics
We have pioneered the development of methods to assess the cost-effectiveness of health interventions, and we carry out innovative research on health promotion and understanding behaviour change (e.g. in relation to smoking cessation and breastfeeding promotion programmes).
Human Well-Being, Development and Ageing
We carry out pioneering multi-disciplinary research on factors affecting well-being and health across the lifespan, including child development, mental health and issues affecting older people. Our research examines the importance of physical activity and sports participation, religious and spiritual beliefs, cultural factors, inequality, rehabilitation and educational interventions.
Inflammation and Immunity
To enhance human health, we are using multidisciplinary approaches to explore the inflammation and immunes processes involved in cardiovascular diseases –with a focus on identifying targets for drug development and diagnosis, leading to improved prevention and treatment.
Browse our research projects
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The WDPCP gene in alcohol consumption, lipid metabolism, and liver cirrhosis
AI-driven data analysis and modelling of protein dynamics for drug discovery
How do cells divide?
AI Handbook: Exploring applications, challenges, and future trends
Improving health in older adults by reducing sitting time
Xcell: Studying cells and tissue biochemistry in simulated microgravity
HiLIGHT: Revolutionising medical imaging with advanced laser technologies
Understanding laminopathies: Diseases of the cell nucleus
Investigating therapeutic effect of antioxidants in Friedreich’s Ataxia (FRDA)
Cellular senescence and its impact on organismal ageing
Investigating variations in two genes that increase the risk of bowel cancer
How the Schistosoma mansoni parasite manipulates its hosts' genomes
Chromosome behaviour and dynamics after exposure to simulated microgravity
Using creative engagement to support healthcare workers
Sustainable and healthy school food environments in Brazil
Investigating thrombo-inflammation associated with cardiovascular diseases
Promoting inflammation resolution in sickle cell disease
Pharmacological strategies for resolution of inflammation
Understanding and manipulating our immune system to protect against ageing
A new cell and gene therapy approach for Friedreich's ataxia
Host-pathogen interactions in tuberculosis
Human endogenous factors in the control of mycobacterial infection
Improving the efficacy of immunotherapies for the childhood cancer neuroblastoma
Governing immersive biomedical tech, health and human rights in the Metaverse
Innovate photonic devices for digital histopathology
Understanding the role of temperature on muscle function in older adults
Post-Covid lifestyle and mental wellbeing
Modelling internal bone marrow dose from Radium-223
Evaluation of oligonucleotides for therapy of Friedreich ataxia
Identifying the most potent and effective treatment of Friedreich ataxia
Rapid evidence scoping review: Creativity and Pathways to Subjective Wellbeing
Can SmartSocks™ help deliver care to people with dementia living in care homes?
Individual-level stroke risk prediction after risperidone treatment in dementia
Side effects of gene therapy vectors
Cancer and physical activity
The maintenance of genome integrity
The role of CDCA2 molecule in neuroblastoma
Genetic and cytogenetic family trio study
Towards a therapy for Friedreich’s Ataxia
Investigating the role of bioactive sphingolipids in Friedreich’s ataxia
Elucidation of the metabolic signature of Friedreich's ataxia
Metabolic reprogramming for improved BCG vaccine efficacy
Early growth protein molecules and preventing autoimmune disease and cancer
Engineering tissue specific scaffolds for organ-on-a-chip models
Low-cost portable molecular diagnostic platform
Innovative techniques for precise, atraumatic placement of cochlear implant
Social, ecological, political, and cultural implications of extinction
Modelling infant leukaemia using gene editing technology
Air pollution, brain health and wellbeing in India
Recovering sense of smell and taste
Optimising eel conservation efforts
Understanding the causes of atheism in Mauritius
Endocrine disruptors linked to developmental neurotoxicity
Predicting chemical bioaccumulation in wildlife using machine learning
Reactivation of herpesviruses in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Detecting change in medical data to identify bias
Common genetic variants that increase the risk of cancer
Does CRISPR-Cas9 treatment cause DNA damage in cancer cells?
Modelling adenoid cystic carcinoma in a mouse
Oncoprotein MYB in the head and neck cancer adenoid cystic carcinoma
Radiation exposure and heritable genetic effects
Culture, sport and wellbeing evidence review
Cell signalling aimed at regulating cell proliferation
Multifactorial impacts on early breast carcinogenesis
Use of liquid biopsies as cancer biomarkers
Organ-on-a-chip models for ovarian cancer
Aberrant genome organisation in female cancers
Diabetes UK: Understanding physical activity
Physical activity in the workplace
Change Makers - Brunel Youth Action Group
Investigating cerebral microvasculature dysfunction in stroke
Reducing the risk of human infection to Schistosomiasis
Explaining the causes of atheism and non-belief
Innate immunity in bovine tuberculosis
Big Tissue and Society