Environmental Sciences facilities

Brunel’s campus has a range of scientific learning spaces – inside and outside the classroom or lab – where you’ll get the opportunity to practise your skills.

In addition to the facilities used exclusively for your Environmental Sciences degree, you’ll have access to the facilities used in Biomedical Sciences which you can use for projects at the interface of environmental science and human health.

Heinz Wolff Building

This learning space has a number of brand new chemistry laboratories that include an inductively coupled plasma instrument where you can analyse metals in environmental samples. You’ll also get the opportunity to use a range of chromatography instruments and mass spectrometers as part of your final year projects.

River Pinn

The historic River Pinn is located on our Uxbridge campus. You’ll get the opportunity to gather samples of water and soil from the river, and from other nearby locations. These samples are then used in your laboratory practical exercises which include characterisation of soils and the assessment of water in relation to environmental standards for metals.

Tissue culture laboratory

You can practise on laminar flow hoods and incubators which are used on a variety of human cell types including cancer cells, normal cells and those from patients with various inherited genetic diseases.

Microscope laboratory

Use our 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional fluorescence microscopy which are utilised in the imaging of human cells and chromosomes.


Learn more about our Environmental Sciences courses

Learning about pyroclastic flow 700x700

Undergraduate courses