What's Next

As you come to the end of your Brunel Language Centre course, you are bound to have a lot of questions about what happens next. These pages are designed to answer those questions and provide you with the information you need to have a smooth transition onto your academic course.

Within each page you’ll find relevant details about what is going to happen during the last weeks of your course and what is expected of you.

We have attempted to cover as many relevant areas as possible and have added a Frequently Asked Questions section to deal with any other enquiries. If you cannot find the answer you’re looking for here, we are are happy to deal with any queries you may have. We would like to take this opportunity to wish you well in your upcoming studies and look forward to continuing to help you achieve academic success.

Completing your Pre-Sessional English Course

Extended Essay Submission

Please ensure that you submit all copies of your extended essay on the day of submission and within the time allocated to you by your teacher. We highly recommend that you read the course handbook carefully before submitting your final eassys and adhere to the specific guidelines. Please submit your essays on time as there will be a late penalty if work is handed in after the deadline.


It is essential that you are fully aware of the schedule for your exams. The dates and times will be given to you by your teacher and the information will also be available on Brightspace and clicking on the Timetables Folder. Please ensure that you arrive promptly for all exams, if you do not arrive on time you will not be able to take the examination.

If you have a follow-on course, you should check your offer letter to see the scores you need to achieve in order to pass the Brunel Language Centre course and progress on to your next course. Please remember you will have an overall score and scores for each sub section (Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking), and you must meet all of these requirements to progress.

Once you have taken all of your exams and handed in your extended essay, all of the papers are marked and double-marked and the results are presented to the Final Exam Board. The Exam Board confirms all of the marks and decides which students are able to progress on to their next course.


You will find out whether you have passed your Brunel Language Centre course by going to the Brunel Language Centre section of Brightspace. Your result will be available here at the time and date given to you by your teacher. Please do not come into the Brunel Language Centre office asking for results before that as this could delay the processing of all the results.

Results Feedback

When all of the marks have been verified, some students may be asked to attend a feedback session. These students will be contacted by text message and attendance at the session is compulsory. Please do not panic if you are contacted, the purpose of the session is to go through your marks with you and discuss the options available to you. It is very important that you attend this feedback session promptly. Please make sure your telephone number is correct on e-Vision so we can contact you.

End of Course Ceremony

In order to celebrate your achievement in successfully completing the Brunel Language Centre course, an End-of-Course Ceremony will be held. Your certificate will be sent to you by email after the ceremony. If you are studying on campus and would like to collect the printed certificate from us, please bring your student ID card with you to collect your final certificate after the ceremony.
Before the start of the ceremony, you can socialise with your fellow Brunel Language Centre students as well as your course teachers and enjoy some refreshments. You will also have the chance to assemble to have an official group photograph as a wonderful souvenir of your time with Brunel Language Centre.

During the ceremony, you will enjoy presentations from guest speakers, student prize-giving and be congratulated on your success. This is your opportunity to acknowledge what you have achieved and be proud of yourself. Following the ceremony, you will receive your final results transcript and attendance certificate. Please note you will not be able to get your results before the ceremony. If you are unable to attend the ceremony, please come to the Brunel Language Centre Academic Office the day after the ceremony to collect your results. If you cannot come into the office, please contact us and we will arrange to post your results pack to you.

As a student on a Brunel Language Centre course, you may be holding a conditional offer for a course at Brunel or Brunel Pathway College. At this stage, you need to make sure that the only condition that remains on your offer is the successful completion of your Brunel Language Centre course.

If you’re uncertain about the details of your next course, please check the details on your offer letter. If you’re still not sure, please contact our Admissions Team at admissions@brunel.ac.uk and they will be able to assist you.

Any outstanding conditions you may have, such as references, degree transcripts or certificates, should be met as soon as possible so that there are no unnecessary delays to receiving your CAS number.

Please take the required documents to the Admissions Team in the Bannerman Centre (Second Floor). If you have any unpaid fees, please make the payments at the Cash Office in the Bannerman Centre (Ground Floor) as soon as possible.

Once all the conditions of your offer have been met, you have successfully completed your Brunel Language Centre course and paid your deposit, your offer will be updated and an email with your CAS number will be sent to your contact email address.

You should have already received an email from the Immigration Office at Brunel, informing you what to do if you need to renew your visa.
When you receive your CAS, there will be a link to book an appointment with an Immigration Officer. This is where you will formally submit your visa application and you will hand over all of your documents. Please be prepared to make payment online (by card) for the visa application and for the Immigration Health Surcharge when you go to your appointment.
If you are planning to travel home and renew your visa, or if you have any questions regarding your visa, please contact Brunel Immigration service.
At the end of your Brunel Language Centre course, it is important that you have paid any outstanding balances you may owe to Brunel. If you’re unsure about whether you owe any fees, please visit the Brunel Language Centre reception in the Russell Building and we will be able to advise you. You will not be able to receive your results if you have any unpaid fees remaining. For your Academic course, the tuition fees for the course are due by the first day of enrolment. There are two payment options:
- Full payment with 2% discount before your registration deadline (For Self-Funded students)
- 60% of your fees paid on registration, followed by 40% by mid January
If you are a sponsored student, please make sure that your sponsorship letter covers the tuition fees for the whole year of your academic course. The best resource for financial and payment information for international students at Brunel is the finance web page: www.brunel.ac.uk/international/fees-and-funding. Here you will find information about how to pay your University fees and practical advice about money management and dealing with banks in the UK.
If you are currently staying in campus accommodation, the Accommodation Office will automatically assign you a room for your academic course. Your deposit will be transferred automatically. If you do not wish to have a room for your academic course, you must inform the Accommodation Office on your application form when applying online. The Accommodation Office will contact you by email in August with the room details. For further information please visit the accommodation web page for international students: www.brunel.ac.uk/services/accommodation/apply/international.
If you are not staying on campus at present, but wish to apply for a room for your main course, you should contact the Accommodation Office as soon as possible to ask about availability. If you would like information about off-campus housing options, please contact the Housing Office and visit their web page: www.brunel.ac.uk/services/accommodation/living-off-campus
Enrolment Stage 1
When you have passed your Brunel Language Centre course and met any other conditions that may be part of your original offer, the offer for your next course will be made unconditional.
Once you have an unconditional offer, you will start the first stage of the enrolment process using e-Vision. For your academic course, you must enrol again and receive a new student card. If you have trouble logging on using your username and password, you should contact the Student Centre. You should have already have used e-Vision when you enrolled onto your Brunel Language Centre course. When you are studying on your main course, you can use e-Vision to update your contact details, requesting a proof of status letter and viewing your module results.  You must complete this task before you go to complete your enrolment stage 2.
Login to e-Vision at https://evision.brunel.ac.uk
Click on the link 'My Checklist' at the top of the e-Vision homepage. You should then follow each section of the checklist and when all of them have been completed you will be 'provisionally registered' and ready for stage 2 of enrolment.  Print off your Registration Summary Letter as you will need this for Stage 2 of enrolment.
Enrolment Stage 2
The second part of the enrolment process involves the registration checks necessary to fully enrol you as a student and takes place during Induction Week (popularly known as Fresher's Week). Induction Week is the first week of term prior to the start of teaching when students enrol, interact with their School for the first time and participate in the Freshers' Week activities.
You will need to attend this stage of enrolment.  You will have an opportunity to arrange payment of your tuition fees, if you haven't already done so, and, on completion, you will receive a new student ID card.
Please bring with you:
  • Passport or ID card. If you have sent your passport with your visa application as part of the Brunel 'Check & Send' scheme, please bring along the Client Care Letter issued to you when you submitted your visa application.
  • Visa (or Client Care Letter)
  • Registration Summary Letter
  • Sponsorship letter (if applicable)
  • Receipt of any payments made
September Early Enrolment
Brunel University arranges an early enrolment session for Brunel Language Centre students to complete stage 2 enrolment before Induction Week offcially starts in September. Please refer to your results pack or Brunel Language Centre web page for further details.  We advise you to enrol on this date but if you are unable to make it on this date there will be other opportunities in the following week.  Please contact the Brunel Language Centre team if you have any concerns with enrolment.
Freshers' Week (September students only)
Freshers' Week is one of the most exciting weeks of the year to be on campus. You will find it most rewarding by fully participating in all of the activities taking place during the week. For a calendar of events, visit the Students Union website.
Highlights of the week include:
  • Freshers' Fair - this is your chance to fully enjoy everything Brunel has to offer! At the fair there will be hundreds of stalls offering membership for everything from sports and lifestyle clubs to music and drama societies and covering every interest from religion and politics to food and dancing. Go along early and collect enough freebies to fill your stationery and food cupboards!
  • College Induction and Welcome - your College will have organised an induction programme to welcome you to the programme, introduce you to your degree course and give you a welcome pack containing your teaching timetable.  You should attend all these events as you will obtain important information about your next course. If you do not receive this by Freshers Week, contact your College.
  • Student Union daily activities - the Union of Brunel Students (UBS) fills the entire campus with activities each day. The thrills extend into the evenings when you can choose from a variety of fun ways to end the day.
Brunel Language Centre and your Degree
Good news! Your relationship with Brunel Language Centre continues when you progress onto your main course. 
Our Academic English programme offers a selection of free courses designed to strenghthen your language and study skills and give you the tools to excel in your degree.
We strongly recommend that you take an Academic Writing course in Term 1 so that your written assignments are a true reflection of your academic abillity. There are a number of different courses available, please visit the academic web pages for further information.
One to one academic consultations are 30 minute sessions which enable you to improve your written work by reviewing your coursework for grammar. structure and argument with a language tutor.
Booking details for both can be found here: https://students.brunel.ac.uk/global/free-academic-english-classes
Modern Languages
If you would like to learn a new language whilst at Brunel, attend one of Brunel Language Centre courses in Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish at beginners' level and French and Spanish at intermediate levels.
The Modern Langauge web page contains details of course content and how to book a place - http://www.brunel.ac.uk/services/pdc/modern-languages

How do I find out the dates of my exams?

Your teacher will inform you and the information will be placed under the Timetables section of Brightspace approximately 1 week before the start of exams.

When will I find out my results?

Preliminary results will be made available on Brightspace at the date and time specified by your teacher. The results on Brightspace will only tell you 'Pass' or 'Contact Brunel Language Centre'. Full results will only be available as a certificate at the End of Course Ceremony and you will receive an invitation to this, which will detail the date, time and venue for this event.

Where will I find my results?

You will find your results on Brightspace.

How will you contact me?

Please make sure you have updated your UK mobile number on the eVision Portal, as we will text you if you are required to come to the Language Centre for feedback on your results.

I can't attend the End-of Course Ceremony. Can you post my results to me?

Yes, please contact the Brunel Language Centre office as early as possible and provide us with your full postal address.

Can I go home before my results?

We recommend that you stay in the UK until you receive your results, just in case we need to dicuss your next options with you.

I need to go home to renew my visa. Can I get my results early?

No, the results cannot be released until the Exam Board has confirmed all of the results.

I can’t pick up my results myself. Can my friend pick them up?

This is possible from the day after the End-of-Course Ceremony. You must email the Brunel Language Centre from your Brunel e-mail account, informing us of who will be collecting the results. They will need to bring suitable ID with them.

I don’t want to go to the End-of-Course Ceremony. Can I get my results before it?

No, your results pack will only be available for collection at the ceremony and from the Brunel Language Centre office the day after the ceremony.

What happens if I don’t pass my Brunel Language Centre course?

If you have not achieved the grades you need to go on to your main course, you will be contacted after the Exam Board and asked to come in for student counselling to discuss your options.

I’d like my ‘English name’ on my certificates. Can you please change them?

We do not make any changes to your name. The name on your certificate will be the same as on E-vision, please make sure your name is as shown on your passport.

Now that I’ve passed my Brunel Language Centre course, I want to change my main academic course, how do I do that?

We advise you to make any changes before you receive your Brunel Language Centre course results by contacting our Admissions Office. Some courses have an early admissions deadline and later changes could cause difficulties with your visa application.

How will I find out the dates of my exams?

Your teacher will inform you and the information will be placed on the Brunel Language Centre section of Brightspace.

Will I need to change my accommodation between my Brunel Language Centre course and Academic course?

Yes, that is possible. The Accommodation Office will contact you and inform you if this is the case as soon as possible.

What is the latest date I can enrol?

If you are unable to enrol during the induction week, it is vital you contact your College to find out the last date they will allow you to enrol.

I cannot get my original transcripts until Induction Week. Is that too late?

No. You can bring your original or certified documents with you to stage 2 of enrolment, but you must provide them earlier if you are taking part in the Brunel 'Batch Scheme' to renew your visa.