As part of your visa application, you will need to achieve 70 points to be successful. 10 points are awarded for Finance. The remaining 60 points are awarded for having a valid CAS and meeting the English language requirement.
The Finance requirement is a very important part of the visa application. You should check your financial documents very carefully before applying, as the visa application will be refused if these are not met. For full details of the requirements, please refer to the Student Visa Guidance. You should also refer to the 'Financial Requirement' section of Student Immigration Rules (Appendix ST).
The finance requirement is to evidence that you have enough money to support yourself while you are studying in the UK. You need to demonstrate that you have funds available to cover the remaining tuition fees for the first academic year of your course, as well as an additional amount to cover your living costs.
Brunel University London is classified as being in London for visa purposes, so the level of funding you need to show is slightly higher than someone who is studying outside of London. For courses that are less than nine months long you must show that you have £1,483 per month for each month of your course. If your course includes part of a month, you must always include that month in the calculation.
For courses that are nine months or over, you must show that you have £13,347. Please note that this is in addition to your remaining tuition fees. Any money that you have already paid to the University towards your tuition fees will be listed on your CAS. This amount of money can be deducted from the total amount that you need to show. Any money that you have already paid towards on-campus accommodation will also be listed on the CAS. This can also be deducted from the total amount but only up to a maximum of £1,483.
Please note that you will still need to evidence these living costs regardless of where you may be living in the UK i.e. even if you will live with family or friends who may cover your costs in the UK. Please also remember that any financial documents that you use in a visa application must be in the name of yourself, a parent or legal guardian. You cannot use the financial documents of any other family members or friends in a Student Visa application.
One of the other really important things to remember about the financial requirements, if using banks statements, is that the funds must have been held for a minimum of 28 consecutive days.
If the currency being held in the relevant bank account/s is not in UK Pounds (£), it must be converted using the OANDA website, which is what UKVI will use when assessing the documents. However, if the currency is in Syrian Pounds or Iranian Rials, the currency must alternative be converted using the FCDO Consular Exchange.
As an aside, please be aware that the living costs that need to be evidenced in a visa application may be significantly different to what you will really need to support yourself in the UK. In recent times, the cost of living and inflation in the UK have increased significantly, and the UKVI finance requirement is unlikely to be reflective of the actual amount of money you may need to live in the UK. Please plan your finances accordingly - useful guidance on this can be found at the UKCISA website.
Finance requirements if applying in the UK
If you are applying for your Student visa in the UK, and have had permission to stay for at least one year on the date of application, you will not be asked to provide these financial documents in your application. However, you should still maintain your finances according to the requirements, as UKVI reserve the right to request them.
Low Risk Applicants - Differentiation Arrangements
Some students do not need to evidence their finances in a visa application depending on their nationality. This is known as 'differentiation arrangements' for 'low-risk applicants'. It includes nationals of the EU, EEA and many other countries such as the USA, Canada, China, Brazil, Thailand and the UAE. Please refer to paragraph 22 of Appendix ST of the Immigration Rules to check if you are subject to the differentiation arrangements. However, you should again still maintain your finances according to the financial requirements, as UKVI reserve the right to request the documentation.