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Brunel Summer Program on International Arbitration

This Programme will cover “International Commercial Arbitration” (ICA) and “Investment Treaty Arbitration” (ITA) and will include esteemed arbitration scholars and practitioners such as Professor Kaj Hobér, Dr Kabir Duggal, Sir Bernard Rix, Mr Samuel Pape, Ms Sylvia Tonova, Professor Lei Chen, Dr Ylli Dautaj and others.


ICA is essentially a private resolution forum between private parties (or States acting in a private capacity, jure gestionis), where the subject-matter of the dispute often stems from a “commercial” contract or undertaking of some sort. When studying ICA, we will largely focus on the process of arbitration and not on the subject matter.

This Programme includes lectures on:

  • Introduction to international arbitration
  • The arbitration agreement
  • The arbitrator
  • The arbitration procedure
  • The arbitral award
  • Post-award proceedings

ITA, on the other hand, is a form of arbitration between foreign investors and host States regarding foreign direct investment (FDI). The subject-matter is arbitrated under public international law, more specifically international investment law.

International investment law is a sub-specie of international economic law. The investor requests arbitration against the host State pursuant to alleged violations of international investment law as found in various international investment agreements (IIAs) or foreign direct investment laws.

The field of investment treaty arbitration has grown exponentially the last century. This Programme includes lectures on:

  • Introduction to investment treaty arbitration
  • Basics of international investment law
  • Jurisdictional features of investment treaty arbitration
  • Enforcing arbitral awards against host States

Finally, this Programme will end with practical hints and tips on the actual practice of ICA and ITA. This Programme includes lectures on:

  • Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and the ILC Draft Articles on State Responsibility
  • Best Practices in Written Advocacy: Pleadings, Witness Statements and Expert Reports
  • Best Practices in Oral Advocacy
  • Best Practices in International Arbitration: Q&A with Expert

Upon conclusion of the Summer Programme, all participants shall receive a Certificate of Attendance.

To book please click here

Course Dates

8-13 July, 2024

Academic Presenter: Dr. Ylli Dautaj


Brunel students £499

Brunel Law School Alumni: £499

Non BLS student £599

Professionals £999

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