29 May 2019, 13:10 - 13:50
Antonin Artaud Building Room AA109
05/29/2019 01:10 PM
05/29/2019 01:50 PM
Day of music: Lunchtime concert and Leavers solos
Lunchtime and afternoon concert in Antonin Artaud Building
Antonin Artaud Building Room AA109
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Featuring a collection of performances by current Music Award students. (Please note the venue for this concert is the Antonin Artaud Building Room ANTR109)
FREE admission: Everyone welcome
Followed by:
LEAVERS' SOLOS 2.30pm - 4.30pm

A series of solo recitals by our graduating Music Award students.
(Please check the timings on the day as the starting time may be slightly different)
FREE admission: Everyone welcome