Contact us

The Open Research and Rights Office assists Brunel researchers. We help with recording, storing and disseminating research. For enquiries and information about our systems or services, get in touch with our team.

Our services are designed to support and accelerate a cultural transition to open digital scholarship. We put our researchers at the heart of everything we do.

We also welcome feedback, so if we've helped you resolve a problem or you aren't happy with the service you've received, let us know so we can keep on doing it or put things right.

 Contact us by email

Please email us using the generic mailboxes where appropriate, which will help us respond to your query more quickly. 

Contact us by telephone or virtually


if you need to speak to us, we encourage you to get in touch ideally on Teams or Zoom using the contacts below. Alternatively, you can also reach us by telephone, Monday to Friday between 9.30am – 4.30pm. 

Team members and their key areas of responsibility are outlined below. The team lead is Monique Ritchie, Associate Head: Open Research and Rights.  


  • BRAD, BURA and REF output requirements: +44 (0)1895 266 143 - Dominic Benson
  • Copyright and open research (all areas):  +44(0)1895 266 169 - Monique Ritchie 
  • Open access and open research: +44 (0)1895 267 330 - Stephen Street and Fotis Mystakopoulos
  • Research data management and Brunel Figshare: +44 (0)1895 267 697 - Catharine Bailey
  • Thesis archiving, BRAD, BURA output management: +44 (0)1895 266 - Satyesh Shah


Contact us on social media

Please join the conversation on social platforms

Blog: follow the SCOBlog online

Yammer: join our Scholarly Comms Group

Twitter: @BrunelOpenRes


Contact us through the LibAnswers service

Browse popular questions or search our FAQs. Key topics: Research and Publication, Copyright and Plagiarism. You can also ask a new question if you can't find a suitable answer.