Submitting your thesis

Under Senate Regulation 5 all research students enrolled on postgraduate research degrees (eg MPhil, MRes, PhD) must provide the Library with an electronic version of their post-award thesis for archival in BURA, Brunel University of London's open access research repository. 

The only exceptions to this requirement are submissions for PhD by the Published Works route and submissions for Higher Doctorates which must be supplied in hard copy. Please check the submission requirements for these with your College. 

To meet all the requirements and successfully deposit your thesis in BURA, you should follow the steps outlined in each stage below, before you submit your thesis to be examined, and once you receive your award.

Before submitting your thesis for examination

Get in touch with your College Postgraduate Research Office team at least two weeks before you intend to formally submit your thesis to be examined, confirming your intention to submit. They will then send you a link to a digital submission point along with further instructions. 

Your thesis will be submitted for an originality check on the University's digital assessment platform, WISEflow. A report with the results will then be shared with you and your supervisor who will review and discuss with you, and advise further on any actions you need to take, and the schedule for formal submission.

After receiving your award letter

Theses should be deposited in the Library as quickly as possible following confirmation of your award and before graduation. You should complete and sign a Thesis Deposit Licence form and send this to the Library, along with a copy of your award letter and a full text PDF version of the full, corrected final thesis as a single file. 

For large files, you will be instructed to upload the file to a University-approved service. For security, we do not recommend using other file sharing services.

All documents and enquiries should be sent by email to:  

For more details, see How do I deposit my thesis in the Library? See also our Frequently Asked Questions