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Prevent at Brunel University London

What is Prevent?

Prevent is part of the government’s national counter-terrorism strategy and aims to stop people being drawn into terrorism or supporting terrorism.

The University’s Prevent duty

Information and guidance about Prevent is published by the Office for Student (OfS)

The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a duty on the University to have “due regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism”. In carrying out its duty, the University must adhere to Government Guidance which requires all universities to have policies and procedures covering external speakers and events, welfare and pastoral care, and IT usage, along with a staff training programme. It also makes clear that the approach to Prevent should be reasonable and proportionate. Compliance with the duty in England is monitored by the Office for Students (OfS).

Statement from the Vice Chancellor

The University takes seriously its responsibility to ensure the safety and wellbeing of students, staff and the wider community and recognises the importance of Prevent in fulfilling its safeguarding duties. The University also balances its Prevent duties with other legal requirements in relation to freedom of speech and academic freedom.

The University’s approach to Prevent

The University’s Prevent Policy details the University’s process for handling safeguarding concerns which may fall within the remit of its Prevent duty. 

Should staff or students have Prevent-related safeguarding concerns about an individual they may report this via the University’s Report and Support Portal.
For general information about Prevent, such as training queries, an email can be sent to the University’s Prevent Coordinator:

The University’s Prevent Coordinator  is responsible for managing situations where safeguarding concerns of this nature are raised, ensuring that effective action is taken and appropriate support put in place. In doing so, and where considered necessary and proportionate, the University works in partnership with the local authority, the Police, the Department of Education (DfE) and the Office for Students (OfS).

The University has a Prevent Information Sharing Agreement (External & Internal) which is available here Information Sharing Agreement.

The University’s Prevent Working Group provides strategic direction and makes recommendations to ensure compliance with the University’s Prevent duty. The Group annually reviews and updates the University’s Prevent Action Plan and Prevent Policy and considers relevant sector developments. The Group reports to Council, Senate and, where necessary, Executive Board. It also informally reports relevant issues to the Student Experience & Welfare Committee and Equal Opportunities and Human Resources Committee.

On an annual basis, the University submits an Accountability & Data Return (ADR) to the Office for Students (OfS) to demonstrate that it is having ‘due regard’ to the Prevent Duty. This is an evidence-based and risk-based assessment of the University’s compliance, ensuring that it has appropriate policies and procedures in place and that these are followed in practice. Accountability and Data Return 2022

Events and external speakers?

The University’s Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech and Events sets out the responsibilities of the University and those of the event organisers (internal or external) when planning an event on campus or a University branded event off campus. It further sets out the University’s procedures when arranging meetings and other activities on the University’s premises which might be deemed controversial by the nature of the speakers present, or by the views which might be expected to be expressed.

To host an event at Brunel you must submit your event through the Online Events Form to ensure it has been approved by key contacts across the university. If your event involves an external speaker, please also complete the External Speaker Form

Prevent-specific safeguarding training

In order to broaden awareness of the University’s Prevent duty, all staff members are expected to attend the 'Prevent duty at Brunel' workshop. This training session informs staff about how to raise Prevent-related safeguarding concerns in a proportionate and appropriate fashion, as well as providing more general information about the scope of Prevent.

After three years, staff should also undertake Prevent refresher training via an online module.

Further information about Prevent training is available from Staff Development.  

Key contacts

If you have safeguarding concerns about an individual which you feel relate to the Prevent Duty, please report this via the University’s Report and Support Portal, or if you would like to know more about the University’s approach to Prevent or possible training opportunities, please email