Artificial Intelligence – a prospect

Artificial intelligence technologies are fast evolving which are widely adopted in technology & business circles. Many governments and industries see that AI is the future.

However, if we look around us and check our daily life activities, AI does not like it - but, it is the future; it is the present, and the future will be more advanced and sophisticated. Maysam Abbod (SMIEEE, MIET, CEng, SFHEA) is a Reader in Intelligent Electronic Systems at the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences at Brunel University London and a research member of Brunel’s Centre for Electronic Systems Research.

He has actively pursued research in the field of modelling, systems and control engineering on many industrial projects for more than 25 years, has published over 150 papers to date and filed 1 patent application. Abbod's recent research work is dedicated to the use of Artificial Intelligence for man-machine interfaces, such as text recognition and classification, and gesture recognition. He has been involved in several research projects funded by British Council and EU. He has supervised 35 PhD students to completion and currently working with many PhD students on the use of AI in many fields.

Abbod is currently serving as an Associate Editor for Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence journal (Elsevier - EAAI), Sensors, electronics (MDPI), and continues to review manuscripts for several other international journals and research grant applications.