Brunel Education Conference: Policy, Practice and the Direction of Travel

Our conference will take up themes that address both policy and practice, and implications for educational futures. At the same time as the dominant narratives of ‘levelling up’ or ‘closing the gap’ pervade, questions of social justice become masked by competing priorities and ideological imperatives.

Recent twitter spats over the ‘Reading Wars’, planned changes to GCSE, A-Level and vocational qualifications, ‘fit for purpose’ assessment, and the implications of changes to school structure and governance, all raise important questions for educators.

Solutions to the ever-changing policy context are never easy. However, central to the spirit of Brunel, its Education Department and its Partners, is our commitment to recognising, challenging and engaging with the contested nature of policy and its implications for higher education, schools, researchers and policy makers.


3.30pm Arrival, registration and refreshments in Eastern Gateway Atrium

4.15pm Welcome and introductions

4.30pm Keynote Speakers

6.50pm Q&A with Panel Followed by Networking drinks reception and hot buffet.

For more information on the keynote speakers, visit Eventbrite.