Christ and the Brazilian Revolutionary Process: religion, politics and human rights

Christ and the Brazilian Revolutionary Process: religion, politics and human rights "Every time I help the poor, they call me a saint; but every time I ask why they are poor, they call me a communist.”

Dom Helder Camara, a Catholic Bishop, summarised the problems faced by many religious leaders during the Cold War.

This memory & truth event will tell the story of religious leaders who were arrested and persecuted for their opinions, and analyse their struggle for human liberation and democracy. Most of them were accused under anti-communist legislation, because of their theological concerns about social justice. In this short conference we will investigate and celebrate the 60th anniversary of the 1962 Brazilian North-eastern Conference whose title was shocking to both political and ecclesiastical authorities of the time: “Christ and the Brazilian revolutionary process” – a conference that reshaped the borders between human rights and religion in the 1960s, by changing the understanding of church and society relations in Latin America.

This hybrid event is part of the Human Rights & Religion project, supported by the Brunel Institute of Communities and Societies.

Date: July 11th, 2pm (BST)

Join on campus: Cavendish Room, Hamilton Centre

Join online on Zoom: I.D: 868 1747 9288  Password: 027053

Speaker: Raimundo César Barreto, Jr. Associate Professor of World Christianity at Princeton Theological Seminary

Discussant: Marcus De Matos Lecturer in Law, Brunel University

Chair: Priscila Vieira-Souza Visiting Scholar, Brunel Institute of Communities and Societies CAPES Postdoctoral Fellow, ECO-UFRJ

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