Fourth Brunel Banking Conference


"Bank Performance, Macroprudential Policy and Sustainable Finance"

A Conference from 9.00-5.30 on Friday 24th June 2022

Online on Zoom

Brunel University London UK

With contributions from some of the world’s leading authorities on bank behaviour and regulatory policy, this conference will provide a critical overview of the evolution and impact of macroprudential policy, incorporation of sustainability considerations in ratings and regulation and the performance of banks in times of crisis and during financial development.

Presenters are as follows:

David Aikman (Professor of Finance, King’s College London) “A stocktake of progress in developing the macroprudential policy framework”

E Philip Davis (Professor of Banking and Finance, Brunel University and Fellow, NIESR) “Determinants of bank profitability in Sub Saharan Africa”

Janine Dow (Senior Director, Sustainable Finance, Fitch Ratings) “Where ESG matters in credit for global financial institutions "

John Fell (Deputy Director General, Macroprudential Policy, European Central Bank) “Macroprudential policy instruments in search of objectives: a meta regression analysis”

Giovanni Ferri (Professor of Economics, LUMSA University of Rome) "All you need is G(overnance): Sustainable Finance Following Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s Frescoes"

Rosa Lastra (Sir John Lubbock Chair in Banking Law, Queen Mary College) “Greening central banking”

Fergal McCann (Head of Function, Stress Testing, Analytics and Resilience, Central Bank of Ireland) “Macroprudential loosening and the role of borrowers’ choices”

Erlend Nier (Deputy Division Chief, Monetary and Capital Markets, IMF) “Assessing the net benefits of macroprudential policy: a growth-at-risk approach”

Alvaro Pedraza (Economist, Finance and Private Sector Development, World Bank) “Bank performance during COVID”

Conference organisers are:

Prof. E Philip Davis (,
Dr. Dilruba Karim (
Dr. Ka Kei Chan ( )

Brunel Department of Economics and Finance. Attendance is free but places are limited so please register with Bulljinder Dhaliwal to ensure your place, e-mail