Launch Event: Centre for Mathematical and Statistical Modelling

The Centre for Mathematical and Statistical Modelling was established in 2021 with the double aim of promoting interdisciplinary research on projects with a strong mathematical or statistical component in Brunel on the one hand, and of carrying out cutting edge research in the mathematical sciences.

The Centre is pleased to invite you to its formal launch event, which will feature invited talks by three inspiring speakers:

14:00: Man Lai Tang (Brunel): "Stats and surveys with sensitive questions"

15:15: Sébastien Guenneau (Imperial): "Invisibility cloaks across the scales"

16:30: Martins Bruveris (Onfido): "How to train a face recognition system"

There will be time for informal discussion between the talks and a reception (from 5:30pm). We very much hope to welcome audiences from other Departments and Centres.

Please see the talk abstracts and the short speaker's bios on the registration page, and join us for the event!