Open Day: Institute of Digital Futures

The Institute of Digital Futures (IDF) pulls together expertise from across the three academic colleges at Brunel to deliver on the “Digital” Strategic Challenge Area of Brunel Research Strategy 2030 while putting user communities at the heart of the development processes, thereby enhancing the global citizen’s quality of life.  

Aligned with two of the Grand Challenges of the UK’s Industrial Strategy and our industrial partners’ innovation strategies, IDF builds on our existing strengths and opportunities to support and facilitate challenge-led digital research activities across Brunel to further strengthen the existing “Brunel Digital” brand which has a growing external recognition, and consolidate the University’s reputation for innovation and advancement in digital science and technology, and its societal impacts.  
10:00  Arrivals & Welcome 


10:30  Lab Tours and Live Demos. Including our Green Screen, Immersive Dome, Motion Capture Lab, with spotlights on VR Rehabilitation, AI Edge Lab, and poster presentations. 


 12:30  Networking Lunch & Keynote 


 14:00  Breakout Sessions and Sandpits on Interdisciplinary Research Priority Challenges 


 15:00  Conclusions and Future Plans for Digital Futures, with Institute Director, Professor Abdul H. Sadka 


Please register for this Open Day HERE 


This event is one of many lively sessions at the Brunel Research Festival in May. Explore the full programme at