Rare Diseases Network Seminar Series

Rare Diseases Network Seminar Series: Redox and metal biology in neurodegenerative and rare skin disorders Organiser: Dr Sara Anjomani-Virmouni Sponsored by The Biochemical Society.

The Rare Diseases Network aims to enhance progress in rare disorder diagnosis and treatment.

This involves research into the origin of the disease, diagnosis, developing therapies, preventing strategies and interventions, disease mechanisms and models and health and social care.

These seminar series are organised as part of the RDN events and sponsored by Biochemical Society, the aim of which is to promote and disseminate scientific knowledge concerning rare disorders.

11:00-11:10 Dr Sara Anjomani-Virmouni, Brunel University London “Introduction and brief overview of the benefits of Biochemical Society Membership”

11:10-11:50 Dr Charareh Pourzand, University of Bath, UK “Targeting Redox-Active Iron in Psoriatic Skin, a Novel Approach for Topical Therapy of Plaque Psoriasis”

11:50-12:10 Mr Fred Jonathan Edzeamey, Brunel University London “Investigating the therapeutic effects of different antioxidants in Friedreich’s Ataxia”

12:10-13:00 Lunch and Networking

Email: Elizabeth.Lee@brunel.ac.uk to book your place.