XVIII Brunel-Bielefeld Workshop on Random Matrix Theory and Applications

XVIII Brunel-Bielefeld Workshop on Random Matrix Theory and Applications 
Poster | Programme 

The aim of this workshop is to bring together physicists and mathematicians who work in the field of Random Matrix Theory and its applications. The programme will contain talks by the invited speakers on Friday and Saturday as well as a poster session. Applications to participate, especially from junior researchers, are welcome and should be directed to any of the organisers. Support is available to a limited number of both UK and overseas participants presenting a poster as well as to PhD students from the UK. The programme of the workshop will include the following topics:

  • Universalities in Structured and Non-Hermitian Ensembles
  • Interacting Particle Systems and Nonlinear PDEs
  • Quantum Many-Body Chaos and Statistical Physics
  • Applications to Random Graphs and Complex Networks

A registration fee of £40 (£20 for students) applies to all workshop participants. 
Registration for the workshop is now closed. For all payments, please use this online payment system.

Invited Speakers: Yacin AMEUR (Lund), Dan BETEA (Leuven), Mike BLAKE (Bristol), Guillaume DUBACH (Paris), Yan FYODOROV (London), Manuela GIROTTI (Halifax), Eva-Maria GRAEFE (London), Ulrich KUHL (Nice), Reimer KÜHN (London), Leslie MOLAG (Bielefeld), Laura MONK (Bristol), Alessandra OCCELLI (Angers), Tomaz PROSEN (Ljubljana), Jac VERBAARSCHOT (Stony Brook), Brian WINN (Loughborough)

OrganisersGernot Akemann (Bielefeld), Igor Krasovsky (Imperial), Dmitry Savin (Brunel), Igor Smolyarenko (Brunel)

For registration and other enquiries, please contact the Conference Office: rmt2022@brunel.ac.uk

Partially funded by SFB1283 programme (Bielefeld, Germany) and by the London Mathematical Society (London, UK).

For information about past events of this workshop series, please visit this page.