Ageing Research Showcase

Join us on our 3rd public open day, where we will be spotlighting Brunel’s ageing-related research excellence and contributions to Health and Wellbeing across the Lifecourse.

Highlights include:

  • Research participation opportunities
  • Health MOT
  • Test your balance and co-ordination!
  • Happy to Chat project
  • Poster exhibition - meet the researchers, research updates exhibition
  • A Sneak Peak into the memory clinic
  • Lab/facilities tours (sign up on the day)

Sit down for a cuppa and a chat any time you would like. There will be no sitting down for lectures or formal talks during the day. There will be plenty to inform and entertain you; stay for as long as you like.

Lunch will be provided

Linked events on the same day (same building):

10am, midday. Knitting Stories pilot workshops: If you are an experienced knitter, with memories of knitting pre 1960, why not read more and sign up for one of our workshops, via this link. Places are strictly limited, bring your own needles (3.75-4.5mm recommended).

3-5pm Presentations/workshop. Socially Inclusive Ageing across the Life-course: emerging messages from older minority groups for health, social work and social care practitioners. Book now or sign up on the day (subject to space).

This event is part of the Brunel Research Festival,which returns this May for a packed programme of online and in-person activities, celebrating how Brunel's research is changing society for the better. Free and open to all.

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