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Are regulations & policies keeping up with timelines for net zero targets?

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As part of the UK’s plans to meet net zero targets, there are plans in place to remove fossil fuel usage from domestic vehicles and to transition towards a national grid that is entirely powered by renewable fuels with no carbon emissions. These strategies and investment have largely focused on battery power for small vehicles and on generating sufficient renewable energy for the grid. However, battery power is not feasible for larger road vehicles, non-road mobile machinery such as agricultural vehicles and marine vessels; and the energy grid needs to be modernised to cope with the change of energy source to renewable as well as changing electricity usage needs such as electric vehicle charging.

Xinyan Wang will demonstrate how hydrogen combustion engines are a suitable zero carbon alternative for those vehicles where battery power is not suitable, but that a clearer regulatory framework and government investment is needed for this to be scaled up to market in line with net zero target timeframes.

Ioana Pisica will explore the key strategies for modernizing power networks to enhance efficiency and integrate renewable energy sources. She will discuss how power grids must evolve to support emerging technologies like energy storage, electric vehicle charging, heat pumps, and hydrogen systems. Additionally, the presentation will examine the critical balance between policy and technology for transmission and distribution system operators, addressing the challenges and opportunities that arise at this intersection.