Games, Gaming, Culture and Education

Listen to experts from industry and academia talking about research on the use of gaming culture in support of education and life-long learning.

The session will support the recent publication of the UK government DCMS (Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport) report on video games and education.

The session will culminate with facilitated discussions regarding future research, CPD and industry response to the DCMS report.

Find out about exciting partnership work between Brunel Unversity London researchers and Checkpoint Magazine to evaluate their learning materials and the supporting pedagogy.

Opportunity to participate in Q&A/discussion.

The session will close with an optional tour of Brunel new Games Design Research Lab. This will involve walking to a different building on the Brunel University London campus.

Venue: Beldam Room, Eastern Gateway Building, Brunel University London

This event is part of the Brunel Research Festival,which returns this May for a packed programme of online and in-person activities, celebrating how Brunel's research is changing society for the better. Free and open to all.

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