24 May 2024, 14:00 - 15:00
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05/24/2024 02:00 PM
05/24/2024 03:00 PM
Navigating the Age of Permacrisis: Understanding and Responding to Constant Crisis
The session will equip attendees with practical strategies and tools for navigating permacrisis at both individual and community levels.
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Drawing from our teaching and research in the Global Challenges department, the session will delve into the multifaceted concept of permacrisis and its implications for individuals, communities, and the planet at large. Permacrisis refers to the persistent and interconnected state of crisis, where climate change and biodiversity loss reinforce socioeconomic inequalities and geopolitical instability, each exacerbating the other in a vicious cycle.
The attendees will gain a nuanced understanding of permacrisis, its underlying causes and systemic nature. Drawing on interdisciplinary perspectives from fields such as ecology, economics, sociology, and political science, we will explore the complex web of factors contributing to permacrisis. That exploration would include coping strategies such as resilience.
The session will equip attendees with practical strategies and tools for navigating permacrisis at both individual and community levels. Finally, we will reflect upon the need to engage incollective action and systemic change through a culture of dialogue and collaboration.
This event is part of the Brunel Research Festival,which returns this May for a packed programme of online and in-person activities, celebrating how Brunel's research is changing society for the better. Free and open to all.
Explore the programme:brunel.ac.uk/brf