12 Jul 2017, 18:30 - 20:30
07/12/2017 06:30 PM
07/12/2017 08:30 PM
Study and Career Options in Health Science, Hong Kong
Join our Head of Clinical Sciences, Priscilla Harries, as she discusses our Health Science courses at the upcoming Health Science event at the British Council in Hong Kong.
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Do you enjoy studying science, solving problems and helping people? If yes, then Health Science is for you!
Join our Head of Clinical Science, Priscilla Harries, as she discusses our Health Science courses in her talk ‘Career advice and studying opportunities for occupational therapy and physiotherapy’ at the upcoming Health Science event at the British Council in Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong Food and Health Bureau will be discussing the growing need for Healthcare professionals in Hong Kong, and other speakers will be talking about Nutrition, Dietetics and Medicine.
Call (00 852) 2913 5100
Email studyuk.hongkong@britishcouncil.org