Employer in the Foyer

Employer in the Foyer 10

Employer in the Foyer

Promote your company's vacancies for free with an exhibiton stand in some of the busiest locations on campus!

Where? Outside the library and careers centre - on average 2000 students walk through this space each day between October and March

When? Spaces are available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays between October and March

What time? Spaces can be hired between 10:00 - 16:00 - peak time for student footfall is between 12:00 - 14:00

What's included? Pre-publicity, a table, chairs, power, wifi and parking spaces on the day

What do i need to bring? A roller banner, branded table cloth and promotional literature to give to students. You may also want to bring a sign-up sheet to record details of the student you have spoken to on the day

How do I book a space? Contact employer.engagement@brunel.ac.uk




For more information about this event or to book a space please contact careers-fairs@brunel.ac.uk