Dr Eleni Iacovidou
Senior Lecturer in Environmental Management
Heinz Wolff 001C
- Email: eleni.iacovidou@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 266122
- Environmental Sciences
- Department of Life Sciences
- College of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Ebner, N. and Iacovidou, E. (2021) 'The challenges of Covid-19 pandemic on improving plastic waste recycling rates'. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 28. pp. 726 - 735. ISSN: 2352-5509 Open Access Link
Samantaray, PK., Little, A., Wemyss, AM., Iacovidou, E. and Wan, C. (2021) 'Design and Control of Compostability in Synthetic Biopolyesters'. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 9 (28). pp. 9151 - 9164. ISSN: 2168-0485 Open Access Link
Iacovidou, E., Purnell, P., Tsavdaridis, KD. and Poologanathan, K. (2021) 'Digitally Enabled Modular Construction for Promoting Modular Components Reuse: A UK View'. Journal of Building Engineering, 42. pp. 1 - 20. ISSN: 2352-7102 Open Access Link
Iacovidou, E., Geyer, R., Kalow, J., Palardy, J., Dunn, J., Hoellein, T., et al. (2021) 'Toward a circular economy for plastics'. One Earth, 4 (5). pp. 591 - 594. ISSN: 2590-3330
Ng, KS., Phan, AN., Iacovidou, E. and Wan Ab Karim Ghani, WA. (2021) 'Techno-economic assessment of a novel integrated system of mechanical-biological treatment and valorisation of residual municipal solid waste into hydrogen: A case study in the UK'. Journal of Cleaner Production, 298. pp. 126706 - 126706. ISSN: 0959-6526 Open Access Link
Patel, S., Dora, M., Hahladakis, J. and Iacovidou, E. (2021) 'Opportunities, challenges and trade-offs with decreasing avoidable food waste in the UK'. Waste Management and Research, 39 (3). pp. 473 - 488. ISSN: 0734-242X Open Access Link
Awasthi, AK., Cheela, VRS., D’Adamo, I., Iacovidou, E., Islam, MR., Johnson, M., et al. (2021) 'Zero waste approach towards a sustainable waste management'. Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 3 (March 2021). pp. 1 - 3. ISSN: 2666-9161 Open Access Link
Iacovidou, E. and Lovat, E. (2020) 'Approaches to monitoring and evaluation of resource recovery from waste towards a circular economy', in Tudor, T. and Dutra, CJC. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Waste, Resources and the Circular Economy. Abingdon : Routledge. pp. 132 - 141. ISBN 10: 0-429-34634-4. ISBN 13: 978-0-367-36464-9. Open Access Link
Iacovidou, E., Hahladakis, J. and Purnell, P. (2020) 'A systems thinking approach to understanding the challenges of achieving the circular economy'. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28 (19). pp. 24785 - 24806. ISSN: 0944-1344 Open Access Link
Gerassimidou, S., Martin, OV., Chapman, SP., Hahladakis, JN. and Iacovidou, E. (2020) 'Development of an integrated sustainability matrix to depict challenges and trade-offs of introducing bio-based plastics in the food packaging value chain'. Journal of Cleaner Production, 286. pp. 1 - 35. ISSN: 0959-6526 Open Access Link
Gatheeshgar, P., Poologanathan, K., Gunalan, S., Tsavdaridis, KD., Nagaratnam, B. and Iacovidou, E. (2020) 'Optimised cold-formed steel beams in modular building applications'. Journal of Building Engineering, 32. pp. 1 - 43. ISSN: 2352-7102 Open Access Link
Walsh, C., Dolan, T., Iacovidou, E. and Bouch, C. (2020) 'Editorial'. Infrastructure Asset Management, 7 (2). pp. 62 - 63. ISSN: 2053-0242 Open Access Link
Iacovidou, E., Ebner, N., Orsi, B. and Brown, A. (2020) 'Plastic packaging - How do we get to where we want to be?'. Place of publication: Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (UK). Available at: https://sciencesearch.defra.gov.uk/ProjectDetails?ProjectID=20471&FromSearch=Y&Publisher=1&SearchText=multidimensional%20value&SortString=ProjectCode&SortOrder=Asc&Paging=10.Open Access Link
Hahladakis, J., Iacovidou, E. and Gerassimidou, S. (2020) 'Plastic waste in a circular economy', in Letcher, TM. (ed.) Plastic Waste and Recycling Environmental Impact, Societal Issues, Prevention, and Solutions. Academic Press. pp. 481 - 512. ISBN 10: 0128178809. ISBN 13: 9780128178805.
Iacovidou, E., Martin, O. and Jobling, S. (2020) 'Review of Sources and Pathways of Marine in Plastic Pollution in Marine plastic Pollution – Evidence Review'. Place of publication: Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). Available at: http://randd.defra.gov.uk/Document.aspx?Document=14689_02MarinePlasticPollutionEvidenceReview.pdf.Open Access Link
Hahladakis, JN. and Iacovidou, E. (2019) 'An overview of the challenges and trade-offs in closing the loop of post-consumer plastic waste (PCPW): Focus on recycling'. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 380. pp. 120887 - 120887. ISSN: 0304-3894 Open Access Link
Silva Martins, LO., Fortuna Carneiro, RA., Mendonça Freires3, FG., Torres, EA., Santana Silva, M., Fernandes, FM. and et al. (2019) 'SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT OF BIOMASS FOR ENERGY GENERATION: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF MAIN TRENDS'. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 11 (13). pp. 253 - 253. ISSN: 0021-8596 Open Access Link
Iacovidou, E. and Gerassimidou, S. (2019) 'Sustainable Packaging and the Circular Economy: An EU Perspective. Reference Module in Food Science', inReference Module in Food Science. Amsterdam : Elsevier. pp. 1 - 16. ISBN 13: 978-0-08-100596-5. Open Access Link
Iacovidou, E., Velenturf, A. and Ng, KS. (2019) 'Multi-dimensional value assessment of compost oversize production and management from open air composting'. Available at: https://resourcerecoveryfromwaste.files.wordpress.com/2019/01/rrfw-2019_multidimensional-value-assessment-of-cos.pdf.Open Access Link
Millward-Hopkins, J., Zwirner, O., Purnell, P., Velis, CA., Iacovidou, E. and Brown, A. (2018) 'Resource recovery and low carbon transitions: The hidden impacts of substituting cement with imported ‘waste’ materials from coal and steel production'. Global Environmental Change, 53. pp. 146 - 156. ISSN: 0959-3780 Open Access Link
Velenturf, A., Iacovidou, E., Ng, KS. and Millward-Hopkins, J. (2018) 'Evolution of Mechanical Heat Treatment for resource recovery from Municipal Solid Waste in the UK'. Available at: https://resourcerecoveryfromwaste.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/rrfw_2018_evolution-of-mht-for-resource-recovery-from-msw-in-uk.pdf.Open Access Link
Iacovidou, E., Velenturf, APM. and Purnell, P. (2018) 'Quality of resources: A typology for supporting transitions towards resource efficiency using the single-use plastic bottle as an example'. Science of the Total Environment, 647. pp. 441 - 448. ISSN: 0048-9697 Open Access Link
Iacovidou, E. and Voulvoulis, N. (2018) 'A multi-criteria sustainability assessment framework: development and application in comparing two food waste management options using a UK region as a case study'. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25 (36). pp. 35821 - 35834. ISSN: 0944-1344 Open Access Link
Hahladakis, JN., Purnell, P., Iacovidou, E., Velis, CA. and Atseyinku, M. (2018) 'Post-consumer plastic packaging waste in England: Assessing the yield of multiple collection-recycling schemes'. Waste Management, 75 (May 2018). pp. 149 - 159. ISSN: 0956-053X Open Access Link
Iacovidou, E. and Hahladakis, JN. (2018) 'Closing the loop on plastic packaging materials: What is quality and how does it affect their circularity?'. Science of the Total Environment, 630. pp. 1394 - 1400. ISSN: 0048-9697 Open Access Link
Facchini, E., Iacovidou, E., Gronow, J. and Voulvoulis, N. (2017) 'Food flows in the United Kingdom: The potential of surplus food redistribution to reduce waste'. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 68 (9). pp. 887 - 899. ISSN: 1096-2247 Open Access Link
Hahladakis, JN., Velis, CA., Weber, R., Iacovidou, E. and Purnell, P. (2017) 'An overview of chemical additives present in plastics: Migration, release, fate and environmental impact during their use, disposal and recycling'. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 344 (15). pp. 179 - 199. ISSN: 0304-3894 Open Access Link
Iacovidou, E., Millward-Hopkins, J., Busch, J., Purnell, P., Velis, CA., Hahladakis, JN., et al. (2017) 'A pathway to circular economy: Developing a conceptual framework for complex value assessment of resources recovered from waste'. Journal of Cleaner Production, 168. pp. 1279 - 1288. ISSN: 0959-6526 Open Access Link
Millward-Hopkins, J., Busch, J., Purnell, P., Zwirner, O., Velis, CA., Brown, A., et al. (2017) 'Fully integrated modelling for sustainability assessment of resource recovery from waste'. Science of the Total Environment, 612. pp. 613 - 624. ISSN: 0048-9697 Open Access Link
Iacovidou, E., Busch, J., Hahladakis, JN., Baxter, H., Ng, KS. and Herbert, BMJ. (2017) 'A parameter selection framework for sustainability assessment'. Sustainability (Switzerland), 9 (9). pp. 1497 - 1497.
Iacovidou, E., Velis, CA., Purnell, P., Zwirner, O., Brown, A., Hahladakis, J., et al. (2017) 'Metrics for optimising the multi-dimensional value of resources recovered from waste in a circular economy: A critical review'. Journal of Cleaner Production, 166. pp. 910 - 938. ISSN: 0959-6526 Open Access Link
Iacovidou, E., Hahladakis, J., Deans, I., Velis, C. and Purnell, P. (2017) 'Technical properties of biomass and solid recovered fuel (SRF) co-fired with coal: Impact on multi-dimensional resource recovery value'. Waste Management, 73 (March 2018). pp. 535 - 545. ISSN: 0956-053X Open Access Link
Iacovidou, E., Purnell, P. and Lim, MK. (2017) 'The use of smart technologies in enabling construction components reuse: A viable method or a problem creating solution?'. Journal of Environmental Management, 216 (15). pp. 214 - 223. ISSN: 0301-4797 Open Access Link
Iacovidou, E. and Purnell, P. (2016) 'Mining the physical infrastructure: Opportunities, barriers and interventions in promoting structural components reuse'. Science of the Total Environment, 557-558. pp. 791 - 807. ISSN: 0048-9697
Iacovidou, E. and Wehrmeyer, W. (2014) 'Making sense of the Future: Visions and Transition Pathways of Laypeople and Professionals from 6 EU countries.'. Global Bioethics, 25 (4). pp. 211 - 225. ISSN: 1128-7462 Open Access Link
Iacovidou, E., Vlachopoulou, M., Mallapaty, S., Ohandja, DG., Gronow, J. and Voulvoulis, N. (2013) 'Anaerobic digestion in municipal solid waste management: Part of an integrated, holistic and sustainable solution'. Waste Management, 33 (5). pp. 1035 - 1036. ISSN: 0956-053X
Iacovidou, E., Ohandja, DG. and Voulvoulis, N. (2012) 'Food waste co-digestion with sewage sludge - Realising its potential in the UK'. Journal of Environmental Management, 112. pp. 267 - 274. ISSN: 0301-4797
Iacovidou, E., Ohandja, DG., Gronow, J. and Voulvoulis, N. (2012) 'The household use of food waste disposal units as a waste management option: A review'. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 42 (14). pp. 1485 - 1508. ISSN: 1064-3389
Iacovidou, E., Ohandja, DG. and Voulvoulis, N. (2012) 'Food waste disposal units in UK households: The need for policy intervention'. Science of the Total Environment, 423. pp. 1 - 7. ISSN: 0048-9697
Iacovidou, E., Mandalakis, M. and Stephanou, EG. (2009) 'Occurrence and diurnal variation of polychlorinated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the background atmosphere of Eastern Mediterranean'. Chemosphere, 77 (9). pp. 1161 - 1167. ISSN: 0045-6535