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Dr Maria Kastrinou
Senior Lecturer in Anthropology

Marie Jahoda 219

Membership and affiliation

Exeter University – Honorary Lecturer

Sectarianism, Proxies, and De-sectarianisation, Lancaster University – Fellow

Centre for Syrian Studies, St Andrews University — Fellow

Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI); European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA); British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES); Centre for British Research in the Levant (CBRL), British Academy; Syria Studies Association (SSA); International Union for Anthropological and Ethnological Studies (IUAES)

Media interests

SEPADpod with Maria Kastrinou: On this episode of SEPADPod Simon speaks with Maria Kastrinou, Lecturer in Social Anthropology at Brunel University. Maria's research focuses on sectarian politics and national belonging, religion, state, conflict and energy in the Middle East and South-Eastern Mediterranean. She is the author of Power, sect and state in Syria: The politics of marriage and identity amongst the Druze (IB Tauris, 2016).

On this episode, Simon and Maria talk about activism and politics, the importance of people, Palestinians, Druze, Syria, statelessness and much more.