Professor Mark Perry
Interdisciplinary ‘user studies’ researcher, focused on human-computer interaction and computer supported co-operative work. Extensive experience managing research projects, investigating and designing mobile, ubiquitous, distributed and collaborative technologies from a user-centred perspective. Leading research projects as Principal and Co-investigator Investigator. Experienced educator in Computer Science, teaching across a range of topics and ability levels for over 25 years, and contributor to QAA Subject Benchmark Statement for Computing (2022). Research community building, including reviewing and committee work, ACM CHI Associate Chair 2007, 2009, 2012-14, Subcommittee Chair 2010 and 2015, and Technical Programme Chair, 2018. ACM SIGCHI Executive Committee member (2019-21). Senior committee member, MobileHCI 2012. Senior member of the ACM. Previous holder of the Royal Society Kan Tong Po International Fellowship (2018).
PhD (1997) Computer Science (Human-Computer Interaction) Brunel University London
MSc in Cognitive Science (1993) University of Wales, College of Cardiff BA (Hons.)
Psychology - 2:1 (1992) University of Wales, College of Cardiff
Senior Tutor, Department of Computer Science
Department Management Board
Usability Engineering (cs2003) module leader (on sabbatical, 2022-23)
Mark has been involved in the supervison of over 180 undergraduate and postgraduate research projects during his academic career, and the sucessful graduation of 11 PhDs.
Newest selected publications
Li, S., Greiffenhagen, C. and Perry, M. (2024) 'A retail perspective on China’s CBDC: Differences that don’t make a difference?'.17th Behavioural Finance Working Group conference. London.
Koumpounis, S. and Perry, M. (2023) 'Blockchain-based electronic health record system with patient-centred data access control'.45th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering. Melbourne, Australia. 14 - 20 May. IEEE. pp. 17 - 24.Open Access Link
Satjawisate, S. and Perry, M. (2023) 'Enhancing Transparency for Benefit Payments in the Digital Age: Perspectives from Government Officials and Citizens in Thailand', inLecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Nature Switzerland. , 14038 LNCS. pp. 57 - 73. ISBN 13: 9783031359682.
Reeves, S., Greiffenhagen, C. and Perry, M. (2022) 'Back to the Control Room: Managing Artistic Work'. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 33 (1). pp. 59 - 102. ISSN: 0925-9724 Open Access Link
Jain, P., Blandin, AJ., O'Neill, J., Perry, M., Ibtasam, S., Shahid, S., (2022) 'Platformisation of Digital Financial Services (DFS): The Journey of DFS in the Global North and Global South'.CHI '22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New Orleans, USA. 27 - 5 May. ACM. pp. 1 - 5.
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