Dr Rui Ramos Cardoso
Senior Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering
Howell Building 125
- Email: rui.ramoscardoso@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 268427
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences
Adetoro, OB. and Cardoso, RPR. (2021) 'On the Mechanical Dynamic Similitude of Solid Continuum'. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 154. pp. 103876 - 103876. ISSN: 0734-743X Open Access Link
Cardoso, RP. (2020) 'A New Beam Element which Blends the Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theory with Idealised Transverse Shear Flows for Aircraft Structural Analysis'. Thin Walled Structures, 157. pp. 1 - 44. ISSN: 0263-8231 Open Access Link
Adan, DH. and Cardoso, RP. (2020) 'Quasi-isotropic initial triangulation of NURBS surfaces'. European Journal of Computational Mechanics. ISSN: 1779-7179 Open Access Link
Zhou, M., Cardoso, RP., Bahai, H. and Usmani, A. (2020) 'A thermo-mechanical analysis of stainless steel structures in fire'. Engineering Structures, 210 (1). pp. 1 - 19. ISSN: 0141-0296 Open Access Link
Zhou, M., Jiang, L., Chen, S., Usmani, A. and Cardoso, RP. (2019) 'Residual Fire Resistance of Steel Frames Following Moderate Earthquake - A Case Study'. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. ISSN: 0143-974X Open Access Link
Zhou, M., Cardoso, RP. and Bahai, H. (2019) 'A New Material Model for Thermo-mechanical Analysis of Steels in Fire'. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 159. pp. 467 - 486. ISSN: 0020-7403 Open Access Link
Cardoso, RP. (2018) 'Stress Analysis for Lightweight Structures: A Matlab Oriented Approach'. CreateSpace Independent Publishing. ISSN 13: 9781721133635
Tanaka, M., Cardoso, RP. and Bahai, H. (2018) 'Modification of the LSMPS Method for the conservation of the thermal energy in laser irradiation processes'. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 117 (2). pp. 161 - 187. ISSN: 0029-5981 Open Access Link
Cardoso, RP. and Adetoro, OB. (2018) 'Generalisation of Hill's Yield Function for Planar Plastic Anisotropy'.The 11th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, NUMISHEET2018. Tokyo, JAPAN. 6 - 3 August. IOP Publishing. pp. 012112 - 012112. ISSN: 1742-6588
Adetoro, OB., Udaykant, P. and Cardoso, RP. (2018) 'An Analytical Approach for the Reduction of Friction Forces Using Vibration'.6th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing.
Zhou, M., Cardoso, RP., Bahai, H. and Usmani, A. (2018) 'Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour of Structural Stainless Steel Frames in Fire'.The 10th International Conference on Structures in Fire FireSERT.
Masayuki, T., Cardoso, RP. and Bahai, H. (2018) 'Multi-Resolution MPS Method'. Journal of Computational Physics, 359. pp. 106 - 136. ISSN: 0021-9991 Open Access Link
Cardoso, RP. and Adetoro, OB. (2017) 'On Contact Modelling in IsoGeometric Analysis'. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 26 (5-6). pp. 443 - 472. ISSN: 1779-7179 Open Access Link
Cardoso, RP. and Adetoro, OB. (2017) 'A Generalisation of the Hill's Quadratic Yield Function for Planar Plastic Anisotropy to Consider Loading Direction'. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 128-129. pp. 253 - 268. ISSN: 0020-7403 Open Access Link
Adetoro. and Cardoso. (2016) 'Non-Local Damage Modelling of Sheet Metal Forming Processes with ALE formulation'.NUMISHEET 2016, The 10th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes. Bristol, United Kingdom. 4 - 9 September. IOP Publishing. pp. 1 - 2. ISSN: 1742-6588 Open Access Link
Cardoso, RP., Adetoro, OB. and Adan, DH. (2016) 'Contact Modelling in Isogeometric Analysis: Application to Sheet Metal Forming Processes'.Numisheet 2016. Bristol, UK. 1 - 9 September. IOP Publishing. pp. 032123 - 032123. ISSN: 1742-6588 Open Access Link
Adan, DH., Cardoso, RP. and Adetoro. (2016) 'Trimming Simulation of Forming Metal Sheets IsoGeometric Models by Using NURBS Surfaces'.NUMISHEET 2016, The 10th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes. Bristol, United Kingdom. IOP Publishing. pp. 1 - 11. ISSN: 1742-6588 Open Access Link
Gracio, JJ., Vincze, G., Yoon, JW., Cardoso, RP., Rauch, E. and Barlat, F. (2015) 'Modelling the Effect of Asymmetric Rolling on Mechanical Properties of Al-Mg Alloys'. Steel Research International, 86 (8). pp. 922 - 931. ISSN: 1611-3683
Adetoro, M. and Cardoso, RP. (2015) 'The Modelling of Temperature Dependent Flow Softening in the Manufacturing of Titanium Alloys'.International Symposium on Plasticity 2015.
Cardoso, RP., Yoon, JW. and Kim, JB. (2015) 'Constitutive Modelling with Strain Rate Sensitivity and Fracture Criteria for SPH Ballistic Simulations'.International Symposium on Plasticity 2015.
Cardoso, RP. and Cesar de Sa, JMA. (2014) 'Blending moving least squares techniques with NURBS basis functions for nonlinear isogeometric analysis'. Computational Mechanics, 53. pp. 1327 - 1340. ISSN: 1432-0924
Areias, P., Cesar de Sa, JM. and Cardoso, RP. (2014) 'A simple assumed-strain quadrilateral shell element for finite strains and fracture'. Engineering with Computers, 31 (4). pp. 691 - 709. ISSN: 0177-0667
Dick, RE., Cardoso, RP., Paulino, M. and Yoon, JW. (2014) 'Benchmark 4: Wrinkling during cup drawing'.NUMISHEET 2014, The 9th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes.
Cardoso, RP. and Cesar de Sa, JMA. (2014) 'Locking and its treatment for nonlinear isogeometric analysis'.NUMISHEET 2014, The 9th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes.
Kumar, R., Singh, I., Mishra, B., Cardoso, RP. and Yoon, JW. (2013) 'A Comparison of EFGM and FEM for Nonlinear Solid Mechanics Problems'. Key Engineering Materials, 535. pp. 434 - 437. ISSN: 1662-9795
Graca, A., Cardoso, RP. and Yoon, JW. (2013) 'Subspace analysis to alleviate the volumetric locking in the 3D solid-shell EFG method'. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 246. pp. 185 - 194. ISSN: 0377-0427
Cardoso, RP. and Cesar de Sa, JMA. (2012) 'The Enhanced Assumed Strain method for the iso-geometric analysis of nearly incompressible deformation of solids'. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 92. pp. 56 - 78. ISSN: 1097-0207
Cardoso, RP., Katayama, K., Yoon, JW., Uemori, T. and Yoshida, F. (2012) 'Thermomechanical crystal plasticity finite element analysis and experimental validation of HCP materials'.International Symposium on Plasticity 2012.
Kitayama, K., Cardoso, RP., Yoon, JW., Uemori, T. and Yoshida, F. (2012) 'Cyclic crystal plasticity finite element analysis and experimental validation of HCP materials'.International Symposium on Plasticity 2012.
Graca, A., Alcantara, I., Cardoso, RP. and Yoon, JW. (2011) 'Subspace analysis to alleviate the volumetric locking in the 3D solid-shell EFG method'.International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering. Liege, Belgium.
Kitayama, K., Cardoso, RP., Yoon, JW., Uemori, T. and Yoshida, F. (2011) 'A comparison between the total Lagrangian scheme (TLS) and the predominat twin reorientation (PTR) methods to analyze the twinning deformations in a rate dependent crystal plasticity model'.COMPLAS XI, Computational Plasticity Fundamentals and Applications. CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain.
Cardoso, RP. and Yoon, JW. (2011) 'A new axi-symmetric solid-shell element with linear through-thickness stretch for sheet forming applications'.NUMISHEET 2011, 8th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes. Seoul, South Korea.
Yoon, JW., Cardoso, RP. and Dick, RE. (2010) 'Puncture Fracture in an Aluminum Beverage Can'. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 137. pp. 150 - 160. ISSN: 0734-743X
Cardoso, RP., Yoon, JW. and Dick, RE. (2010) 'A new axi-symmetric element for thin walled structures, Computational Mechanics'. Computational Mechanics, 45. pp. 281 - 296. ISSN: 1432-0924
Cardoso, RP., Yoon, JW. and Dick, RE. (2010) 'A new axi-symmetric solid-shell element for sheet metal forming applications'.NUMIFORM 2010 international Conference. Pohang, South Korea.
Cardoso, RP. and Yoon, JW. (2009) 'Rate-Independent Crystal Plasticity Based on Euler-Backward Method and its Application to Earing Prediction of a Circular Cup Drawing'.PLASTICITY19: The Sixteenth International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications. St Kitts and Nevis.
Cardoso, RP. and Yoon, JW. (2009) 'Stress Integration Method for a Nonlinear Kinematic/Isotropic Hardening Model and its Characterization Based on Polycrystal Plasticity'. International Journal of Plasticity, 25. pp. 1864 - 1710. ISSN: 1879-2154
Cardoso, RP., Yoon, JW., Mahardika, M., Choudrhy, S., Alves de Sousa, RJ. and Fontes Valente, RA. (2008) 'Enhanced Assumed Strain (EAS) and Assumed Natural Strain (ANS) Methods for One-Point Quadrature Solid-Shell Elements'. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 75. pp. 156 - 187. ISSN: 1097-0207
Alves de Sousa, R., Correia, JPM., Simoes, FJP., Ferreira, JAF., Cardoso, RP., Gracio, JJ. and et al. (2008) 'Unconstrained Springback Behaviour of AL-Mg-Si Sheets for Different Sitting Times'. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 50 (9). pp. 1381 - 1389. ISSN: 0020-7403
Cardoso, RP. and Yoon, JW. (2007) 'One point quadrature shell elements. A study on convergence and patch tests'. Computational Mechanics, 40. pp. 871 - 883. ISSN: 1432-0924
Cardoso, RP., Yoon, JW. and Fontes Valente, RA. (2007) 'Enhanced one point quadrature shell element for nonlinear applications'. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 69. pp. 627 - 663. ISSN: 1097-0207
Cardoso, RP. and Yoon, JW. (2007) 'Stress Integration and Material Characterization for a Nonlinear Kinematic Hardening Model'.Mechanics and Mechanisms of Finite Plastic Deformation, Proceedings of PLASTICITY'08: The Fourteenth International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications.
Alves de Sousa, R., Yoon, JW., Cardoso, RP., Valente, RAF. and Gracio, JJ. (2007) 'On the use of a reduced enhanced solid-shell finite element for sheet metal forming'. International Journal of Plasticity, 23. pp. 490 - 515. ISSN: 0749-6419
Costa, ASL., Cardoso, RP., Yoon, JW. and Morais, AB. (2007) 'The Force Method for the Calculation of Stress Intensity Factors on Arbitrary Meshes'.IX International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS IX 2007.
Cardoso, RP., Yoon, JW., Marhadika, M. and Choudry, S. (2007) 'Exploring New Horizons in the Solid-Shell Element Technology for General Nonlinear Applications with Bending'.NAFEMS International Conference.
Fontes Valente, RA., Alves de Sousa, RJ., Natal Jorge, RM., Cardoso, RP., Simoes, F., Yoon, JW. and et al. (2007) 'An overview of sheet metal forming simulations with enhanced assumed strain elements'.NUMIFORM 2007, Materials Processing and Design: Modeling, Simulation and Applications.
Cardoso, RP., Yoon, JW. and Gracio, JJ. (2007) 'Material Models to Study the Bauschinger Effect on an Aluminum Shear Test Specimen'.NUMIFORM 2007, Materials Processing and Design: Modeling, Simulation and Applications.
Yoon, JW., Cardoso, RP., Bray, GH., Barlat, F., Schultz, RW. and Bucci, RJ. (2007) 'Crack Propagation Toward Friction Stir Weld'.Plasticity of Conventional and Emerging Materials: Theory and Application, The 13th International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications.
Parente, MPL., Valente, RAF., Natal Jorge, RM., Cardoso, RP. and Alves de Sousa, R. (2006) 'Sheet Metal Forming Simulation Using EAS Solid-Shell Finite Elements'. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 42. pp. 1137 - 1149. ISSN: 0168-874X
Cardoso, RP., Yoon, JW. and Fontes Valente, RA. (2006) 'A new approach to reduce membrane and transverse shear locking for one point quadrature shell elements: linear formulation'. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 66. pp. 214 - 249. ISSN: 1097-0207