Centre members



Dr Rebecca Sear Dr Rebecca Sear
Email Dr Rebecca Sear Professor - Psychology
Interdisciplinary evolutionary behavioural scientist Founder member and currently President of the European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association I’m an evolutionary behavioural scientist, using an interdisciplinary approach to understand human behaviour and wellbeing, incorporating anthropology, demography, biology and psychology. I work on questions of demographic and public health interest, including fertility and reproductive development, child health and mortality, and health inequalities; and I have a particular interest in the family, and how family relationships influence these outcomes. I’m keen to promote a greater understanding of evolutionary explanations for human behaviour in the social and health sciences, and to facilitate interdisciplinary work more broadly. I'm increasingly interested in issues related to research integrity, including the persistence of eugenic ideology in academia. Founder member and currently President of the European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association Evolutionary demography Human behavioural ecology The family Research integrity


Dr Lora Adair Dr Lora Adair
Email Dr Lora Adair Senior Lecturer in Psychology (CCE)
My research primarily focuses on topics within the domains of social and evolutionary psychology, exploring the relationship between the individual and their social world. My work applies feminist and evolutionary theories/models to investigate intimate relationships, fertility, and sexuality. Investigated topics within my research include reproductive decision-making and reproductive health, sexual and reproductive norms, deception, exploitation, and abuse in intimate relationships, as well as romantic relationship beliefs and relationship maintenance. I joined the Centre for Culture and Evolution at Brunel University London in the Fall of 2019. Before joining Brunel University London, I served as an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Central Arkansas (Fall 2017-Spring 2019) and Lyon College (Fall 2015 - Spring 2017). My research primarily applies social psychological, evolutionary, and feminist approaches to interpersonal relationships, fertility, and sexuality. I am interested in women's health (broadly) and specifically how the experiences of women, girls, and feminine people are shaped by their social world. As such, my work explores how norms, expectations, and social scripts about women and girls (e.g., gender roles, romantic relationship beliefs, sexual/moral purity norms) affect people's decisions, experiences, and wellbeing. Deception and exploitation in intimate relationships Intimate partner violence Romantic relationship beliefs Sexual and reproductive norms Reproductive decision-making Reproductive health Attitudes towards sexual and reproductive issues (e.g., abortion attitudes, attitudes towards casual sex and sexual expression, attitudes towards sexual health and contraception) Religious and spiritual beliefs, specifically as they relate to other social values Fall 2019 - Present: Module lead, PY2601 Conceptual and Historical Issues in Psychology Fall 2019 - Present: Lecturer, PY5704: Foundations of Evolutionary Psychology Spring 2020 - Present: Lecturer, PY5613: Cross-Cultural and Evolutionary Research Methods Spring 2020 - Present: Lecturer, PY5615: Special Topics in Culture and Evolution
Dr Will Gervais Dr Will Gervais
Email Dr Will Gervais Reader in Psychology
I'm a cultural and evolutionary psychologist who studies what people believe about the world. I'm curious about a lot things that fall under the cultural/evolutionary psychology umbrella, but I'm especially interested in atheists. What do atheists teach us about belief, morality, and what it means to be human? Atheists; Religion; Morality; Theory-Based Methodological Reform Cultural psychology; evolutionary psychology; social psychology; sociology of religion; meta-science/research methods
Dr Matthew Gervais Dr Matthew Gervais
Email Dr Matthew Gervais Lecturer in Psychology
I'm an evolutionary and cultural psychologist with a background in anthropology. My research takes a multi-level approach to human sociality, seeking to understand the mutual constitution and co-evolution of human emotions, social relationships, and social structures. I use a range of descriptive and confirmatory methods, including long-term participant observation, semi-structured interviews, cultural domain analysis, economic games, and social psychological surveys. I maintain an active field site working with indigenous iTaukei communities in the Fiji Islands. I also collaborate on multi-site comparative studies investigating human psychological and behavioural variation. Emotions, sentiments, folk affect concepts, contempt & respect, love & hate, laughter & social play, psychopathy, social norms, hierarchy, power, morality, cooperation & coordination, risk management, social networks, gene-culture co-evolution Evolutionary psychology, cultural psychology, evolutionary anthropology, psychological anthropology, affective science Fall 2021: Qualitative Research Methods (PY5609) Fall 2020: Qualitative Research Methods (PY2606, PY5609) Previous classes taught: Cultural psychology, Social psychology of emotions, Primate behaviour
 Toshie Imada Toshie Imada I received my PhD in psychology from the University of Michigan in 2008, where I also participated in the Culture & Cognition Program. I then undertook postdoctoral fellowships at the Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota (funded by the NIMH) and the Department of Psychology at Wesleyan University. During those years, I examined cross-cultural differences and similarities of various psychological tendencies in North Americans and East Asians. I joined Brunel University London as a lecturer in 2012. Qualifications: PhD Psychology (University of Michigan) MSc Psychology ((University of Michigan) BA Psychology (Wellesley College) My research focuses on the interplay between individuals’ psychological processes and their cultural contexts. These processes include conscious levels of thoughts, memories, and beliefs as well as relatively more unconscious, automatically produced reactions. In addition, my research investigates cultural reproduction mechanisms by examining cultural products, narrative communication, and historical context. Through my research, I address the importance of understanding psychological processes in cultural contexts because psychological qualities that are considered as normative, functional, and desirable could vary across cultures. Cross-cultural psychology Culture and social cognition, emotion and motivation Cognitive development Cultural products Intercultural competence Undergraduate Programmes Module contributor Cross-Cultural Psychology (L-3)Postgraduate Programmes Postgraduate Programmes Module convenor Foundations of Cross-Cultural Psychology (L-5) Advanced Topics in Cross-Cultural Psychology (L-5) Module contributor Cross-Cultural Research Methods (L-5)AdministrationPsychology Work Placement I Convener (L-2)
Dr Nicholas Pound Dr Nicholas Pound
Email Dr Nicholas Pound Divisional Lead / Senior Lecturer in Psychology
Research focus - effects of inequality and social competition on psychology and behaviour (Centre for Culture & Evolution) After a BSc in Psychology at the University of Leeds I completed my PhD at McMaster University in Canada under the supervision of Martin Daly and Margo Wilson. Following periods of postdoctoral work in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Liverpool and the University of East Anglia working with Matt Gage, I worked briefly at the University of Stirling with Ian Penton-Voak before joining the Department of Psychology at Brunel in 2004. My current research focuses on the psychological and physiological responses of males to various forms of competition, and the effects of socioeconomic inequality - e.g. competitiveness, risk-sensitivity, impulsiveness and violence with a specific focus on how males respond to inequitable distribution of resources. Using epidemiological, survey and laboratory methods. Psychological, behavioural and physiological responses to competition and inequality Facial morphology, health and endocrine status Undergraduate Programmes Module Convenor - PY3610 Animal Behaviour Contributor - PY3618 Drugs, Hormones & the Brain; PY3632 Psychology of Social Media Postgraduate Programmes Module Convenor - PY5640 Foundations of Evolutionary Psychology
Dr Michael Price Dr Michael Price
Email Dr Michael Price Senior Lecturer in Psychology
I conduct research in evolutonary psychology, a synthesis of cogntive psychology and evolutionary biology. Evolutionary psychology approaches the mind/brain as a bundle of information-processing mechanisms, functionally specialised to solve adaptive problems encountered by our evolutionary ancestors. My main topic of interest is currently the biological and biocultural evolution of religio-spirituality. Qualifications: PhD (Center for Evolutionary Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara) BA (Psychology, Duke University) My past research has focused mainly on evolutionary moral psychology, including investigations of: The relationship between moral orientation and bodily condition (usually drawing on anthropometric data, collected via 3D body scanner) The relationship between male parental investment and cultural attitudes about sexual morality Whether leader-follower relations represent a form of evolved n-person reciprocity Evolved solutions to the free-rider problem in collective actions More recently, my primary research interests have been: The biological and biocultural evolution of religio-spirituality: Why is human nature predisposed towards religious/spiritual belief, and how is the expression of this predisposition shaped by cultural evolution? 'Universal Darwinism', which investigates the anti-entropic, creative power of Darwinian selection across all natural domains, from physics to biology to culture Evolutionary social and moral psychology The biological and biocultural evolution of religio-spirituality Universal Darwinism (the anti-entropic power of Darwinian selection across all domains of nature) The origins of moral beliefs The evolution of leadership, organizational behaviour, and group cooperation Undergraduate Programmes Module convenor Evolutionary Psychology (UG year 3) Postgraduate Programmes Module convenor Evolutionary Psychology (MSc) Administration Convener, MSc Culture and Evolution
Dr Aiyana Willard Dr Aiyana Willard
Email Dr Aiyana Willard Reader in Psychology
Aiyana Willard is a Lecturer (psychology) in the Centre for Culture and Evolution at Brunel University London and a research associate at the Institute for Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology at Oxford. Her research interests are in the cultural evolution of religion, karma, witchcraft and other supernatural beliefs. Academic career: Lecturer in Psychology, Brunel University London, 2018-current. Postdoctoral researcher, Oxford, 2017-2018 Postdoctoral researcher, University of Texas at Austin, 2015-2017 PhD in Psychology, University of British Columbia, 2015 MA in Psychology, University of British Columbia, 2011 The primary focus of my research is the cultural evolution of religion and other supernatural beliefs. This includes looking at why humans as a species are prone to religion, spiritual, and superstitious beliefs, and how culture has shaped these beliefs over time. I am particularly interested in the social and economic impacts of these beliefs. Much of my past work has focused on how the belief in gods who care about human morality and punish moral violations have aided in building larger, more parochially cooperative societies, (i.e. cooperating with other group members), and supports cooperation among anonymous strangers within the same faith. My current work is focused on the cooperative benefits of karma beliefs, and the social and economic consequences of witchcraft and evil-eye beliefs. I conduct much of my work in the field. I have worked in Fiji, Mauritius, and the Czech Republic and am currently working on a project collecting data on karma beliefs in Singapore. Cognitive foundations, cultural evolution, and societal consequences of: Religion Witchcraft and the evil eye Karma and other supernatural forces Spirituality outside of religion Cultural evolutionary processes of: Norms and normative behaviour (including morality) Ritual behaviours and credible displays Causal reasoning
Professor Peggy Froerer Professor Peggy Froerer
Email Professor Peggy Froerer Professor of Anthropology
I found my way into anthropology after studying politics, completing my PhD in Social Anthropology at the London School of Economics in 2002. My doctoral research on the emergence of Hindu nationalism within adivasi communities in central India became the subject of my first book, Religious Division and Social Conflict. I joined Brunel’s Anthropology department in 2004, following postdoctoral work on the inculcation of nationalist ideologies in educational settings. Since then, I have returned regularly to India to pursue research on education, learning and schooling; childhood and youth; poverty and development; and inequality and social mobility. My second book, Futures in Flux: Education, Aspiration and Social Mobility in Rural India, considers how marginalized young people’s differentiated engagement with school education articulates with their livelihood options and aspirations for a better future. I have also been co-Investigator on a collaborative, multi-regional research project (ESRC-DfID, 2016-2018) which examines education systems, aspiration and learning outcomes in remote rural areas of India, Lesotho and Laos. I have now started a new project on educational inequalities in the UK, with a focus on the role that education plays in the (re)production of class privilege. I have directed an ethnographic film (Village Lives, Distant Powers; produced by Margaret Dickinson), which is based on my research on development, the state and corruption in central India. Qualifications: PhD Anthropology (LSE) MSc Anthropology (LSE) MA Political Science (Jawaharlal Nehru University) BA Political Science (University of Utah) I am a social anthropologists with nearly 25 years of research experience in India on subjects ranging from nationalism and ethno-religious politics, poverty and social mobility, childhood and youth, and education and schooling. Much of this research has been driven by my interest in the relationship between education and social reproduction, and the specific role that schooling plays in the reproduction of social inequalities amongst marginalised communities in rural India. This has culminated in my second book, Futures in Flux: Education, Aspiration and Social Mobility in India. With my new research, I turn my attention to educational inequalities in the UK, and specifically to the role that education plays in the (re)production of class privilege. Research area(s) South Asia Education and schooling Childhood and youth Social reproduction Poverty and development Inequality and social mobility Nationalism and ethnic conflict Programme convenor MSc Anthropology of Childhood, Youth and Education MSc Anthropology of International Development and Humanitarian Assistance Module convenor Anthropology of Education and Learning Critical Perspectives on International Development Undergraduate Dissertation Additional teaching Understanding Childhood and Youth Fieldwork Encounters Administration Co-Director, Equality and Diversity (2023-present) Director, Postgraduate Research, Department of Social Sciences, Media and Communications (2014-2021) Director, Centre for Anthropological Research on Childhood, Youth and Education (CARCYE) (2009-2014) Convenor, Undergraduate Dissertations (2012-present) Admissions Tutor (2004-2011)
Dr Emma Norris Dr Emma Norris
Email Dr Emma Norris Senior Lecturer in Public Health
Dr Emma Norris is a Senior Lecturer in Public Health, within the Department of Health Sciences and Co-Chair of the Health Behaviour Change Research Group. She is Deputy Lead of the Division of Global Public Health and Lead of MSc Public Health and Behaviour Change (online). Dr Norris is a researcher in behaviour change and health psychology, exploring evidence synthesis of behaviour change interventions, as well as development and assessment of physical activity, smoking cessation and digital interventions. Before joining Brunel, Dr Norris was a Research Fellow at the Centre for Behaviour Change at University College London working on the Human Behaviour-Change Project: synthesising published literature on behaviour change using machine learning and Artificial Intelligence. Dr Norris' PhD tested Virtual Field Trips as physically active lesson interventions for primary-school children. Dr Norris is also an advocate for Open Science. She established and Chairs Brunel's Open Research Working Group and is Brunel's UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN) Local Network Lead. She is also interested in designing behaviour change interventions to facilitate Open Science behaviours in researchers. Dr Norris is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). She is Co-Chair of the European Health Psychology Society’s Open Science Special Interest Group. Emma is an Associate Editor for Health Psychology & Behavioral Medicine and Cogent Psychology. Follow Dr Norris' research and updates on Bluesky: @emmajnorris.bsky.social Behaviour change, Health psychology, Intervention development, Physical Activity, Evidence synthesis, Ontologies, Open Science, Meta-Science Dr Norris’ research investigates the development and evaluation of behaviour change interventions using a range of theory and methods. Emma explores evidence synthesis for health interventions and behaviour change, using meta-analyses, systematic reviews and innovative methods such as ontologies. Emma is also interested in increasing uptake of Open Science behaviours in researchers.
Dr Yohai Hakak Dr Yohai Hakak
Email Dr Yohai Hakak Senior Lecturer in Social Work
Dr Yohai Hakak joined Brunel in September 2014. Dr. Hakak's practice experience is in mental health social work. His areas of research interests are migration, embodiment, parenting, risk-perception, youth, religion, gender and mental health and the connection of these areas with social work. Dr Hakak published in these areas numerous articles. His last manuscript titled Haredi Masculinities between the Yeshiva, the Army, Work and Politics: The Sage, the Warrior and the Entrepreneur was an ethnographic study of Jewish Haredi (Ultra-Orthodox) young men in Israel. It was published by Brill in 2016. The outcomes of Yohai’s academic work included also several award-winning documentary films. Yohai is interested in supervising students in the following areas and in relation to social work: Migration Embodiment Religious minorities Masculine identities Mental health Risk and its perception Mixed couples Yohai's current areas of research interest are: Embodiment in Academic and Professional Practice | Brunel University London The migration of professionals Mixed families Religious minorities Mental health State power
Dr Nicole Wen Dr Nicole Wen
Email Dr Nicole Wen Lecturer in Psychology
Dr Nicole Wen is a Lecturer in Psychology in the Centre for Culture and Evolution at Brunel University of London and Director of the Culture and Minds Lab. Dr Wen is a psychologist studying how culture influences children's learning, cooperation, and social connections. I study cognitive and social development from an interdisciplinary perspective using a variety of methods to understand how children learn within and across cultures. My research has explored how children flexibly use imitation and innovation for cultural learning, in both the U.S. and Vanuatu. I have recently focused on how cultural practices, such as rituals, promote group cohesion. Currently, I am investigating how rituals influence cooperation, particularly in relation to resource sharing, helping behaviors, and group commitment. I argue that humans are psychologically predisposed to engage in rituals, which serve as powerful tools for fostering in-group affiliation and inclusion. I’m also exploring how rituals can be integrated into classrooms to create supportive and effective learning environments. Additionally, I'm collaborating with Petite Giants to study how personalized books empower young children. Ritual, social learning, cooperation, conformity, creativity, culture, developmental psychology, cultural evolution
Dr Nelli Ferenczi Dr Nelli Ferenczi
Email Dr Nelli Ferenczi Senior Lecturer in Psychology
I am a Lecturer in Psychology. As a cross-cultural social psychologist, I am interested in applying a cultural lens to identity, our close relationships, and how we engage with others. My main research interests are currently centred in three areas: cross-cultural psychology, bicultural identity, and engagement with social media. Please see my Research section for more information, or contact me with your ideas and proposals: as an interdisciplinary researcher I am always open to discussions of novel research ideas within the general theme of culture and its intersection with social psychology. Some questions that my research focuses on: What individual differences (e.g., attachment orientations, self-construal) predict whether bicultural and migrant individuals experience rejection from their heritage culture? How does rejection of their heritage culture identity link to their well-being? What is the role of nostalgia as a method of coping for bicultural and migrant individuals? What individual differences predict online prosocial and antisocial behaviour? What role does culture play in forensic settings? Cross-cultural psychology Culture and identity Bicultural identity Interpersonal rejection Personal relationships Prosocial and antisocial online behaviour and attitudes
Dr Michelle Kline Dr Michelle Kline
Email Dr Michelle Kline Senior Lecturer in Psychology
Dr Kline studies human behavior and development through the lens of cultural evolutionary theory. Her research focuses primarily on social learning, situated in community contexts using field methods. Dr Kline's has worked from 2008-2017 in the Yasawa Islands, Fiji. As of 2023, she is studying the social learning of spiritual beliefs and practices in the town of Glastonbury, Engalnd. She is also collaborating on projects working with parents and immigrants in the UK, and using online methods to study parental learning in Western societies. The evolution of social learning, including: informal teaching, in humans and other animals how learning patterns shift across the lifespan fidelity (or lack thereof) in copying origins and learning of spirtual but not religious beliefs demographic transition and learning to parent The cultural evolution of material culture The cultural evolution of sustainable ecological systems Innovation in cultural learning Please see Dr. Kline's website for further information:
Dr Micheal De Barra Dr Micheal De Barra
Email Dr Micheal De Barra Senior Lecturer in Psychology
My research is concerned with health and behaviour, and it often takes an evolutionary approach. I have examined how infectious disease shaped cognitive evolution, how behaviour alters infection risk, and how maladaptive ideas about health and healing spread and persist. I have a particular interest in the social and cognitive processes that drive overtreatment (the use of ineffective medical therapies). You can book a meeting in my office hours on Thursday (office or teams) or Friday (teams). cultural evolution; over-treatment; ineffective therapies; health psychology; medical anthropology; evolutionary psychology My research involves a combination of lab experimentation, field work (Bangladesh and Tanzania), surveys, analysis of online health communication.
Dr Jordan Moon Dr Jordan Moon
Email Dr Jordan Moon Lecturer in Psychology
I'm a social psychologist and lecturer in psychology at the Centre for Culture and Evolution at Brunel. I'm interested in what people believe and feel about the world and other people, and the implications of these beliefs and goals for religion and morality. One major theme in my work is why people are so concerned about others' lifestyles (e.g., whether they are family oriented, sexually promiscuous, etc.). These concerns seem to be a surprisingly important part of why people are drawn to religion, how people might assess others' trustworthiness, the kinds of stereotypes people have about others, and many of the moral judgments people hold. An additional line of research is looking at the effects of religious fasting, exploring how and why religious fasting might influence human flourishing and prosocial behaviour. Social psychology; psychology of religion; moral psychology; evolutionary psychology
Dr James Winters Dr James Winters
Email Dr James Winters Lecturer in Psychology
I’m a cognitive and behavioural scientist working in the domains of cultural evolution, technology, and communication. Cultural evolution and social learning The evolution of language and technology Transmission chain and communication game experiments Simulations and agent-based modelling
Dr Francisco Gomez Jimenez Dr Francisco Gomez Jimenez
Email Dr Francisco Gomez Jimenez Lecturer in Psychology
Francisco Gómez Jiménez is a Lecturer in Psychology at the Centre for Culture and Evolution at Brunel University London. His research focuses on understanding the ways in which sexual and gender diversity emerges and varies across different cultural contexts. My research is largely focuses on understanding same-sex sexuality and transgender/gender-diverse identities from a cross-cultural, psychosocial, biodevelopmental, and evolutionary perspective. This research has been mainly conducted in Thailand and the Istmo region of Oaxaca, Mexico, where same-sex attracted individuals identify with culturally recognized non-binary gender categories. My research interests includes the evolution and cross-cultural correlates of same-sex sexuality, intersexual mate competition, and the development of gender identities and gender-related thinking (e.g., gender categorization, gender stereotyping). I am also interested in exploring the ways in which culture influences sex and gender differences in gendered behaviours/interests (e.g., masculinity and femininity) and in sexual behaviour, attitudes, and feelings. Evolution of same-sex sexuality Cross-cultural correlates of same-sex sexuality Intersexual mate competition Development of gender Sex and gender differences
Dr Nachita Rosun Dr Nachita Rosun
Email Dr Nachita Rosun Honorary Research Fellow
I'm a cultural evolutionary psychologist interested in ongoing cultural changes that are interlinked with larger transitions in our demographic, economic, and technological landscape. My research looks into the transmission of cultural domains, everyday norms, and rituals, and how this transmission process contributes to larger changes in social structures such as kin networks, religious groups, and social hierarchies. I use several methodological approaches such as interviews, cultural domain analysis, and surveys. Most of my research is located in Mauritius, a country that has been undergoing a period of fast-paced cultural change over the last few decades, creating an interesting site to study these processes as they occur.
Dr Ondrej Cerha Dr Ondrej Cerha
Email Dr Ondrej Cerha Honorary Research Fellow
I am a cultural psychologist with an interdisciplinary background. My research programme focuses on personality and self in a broad socio-cultural context. The second strand of my research focuses on the psychosocial mediators of adjustment to a host culture during a temporary or permanent change of residence (migration) and on sensitive periods in culture acquisition. PY5603 Developmental Psychology – Module Lead (Term 2, 2023/24) PY2602/PY3620 Developmental Psychology – Co-lecturer (Term 2, 2023/24) PY5609 Qualitative Research Methods – Co-lecturer (Term 1, 2023/24)
Dr Stanley Gaines Dr Stanley Gaines
Email Dr Stanley Gaines Senior Lecturer in Psychology
Research interests span aceoss the fields of relationship science (e.g., impact of traits, values, attitudes, and other aspects of personality on interdependence processes in close relationships, ethnic studies (e.g., links among aspects of ethnic attitudes and ethnic behaviour among members of various ethnic groups), and international development (e.g., psychometric properties of scales that were designed to measure aspects of inner wellbeing among individuals in various nations). I am a social psychologist who examines individual differences in various aspects of social behaviour, especially (though not exclusively) within close relationships. Not only do I conduct empirical research on personality and social behaviour; but I also write theoretical books on personality (and, usually, social behaviour within close relationships). Effects of interpresonal attitudes (incorporating attachment orientations) and interpersonal traits on pro-relationship behaviour (e.g., accommodation, forgiveness) in close relationships; covariance among aspects of ethnic identity (including exploration, commitment, ethnic speech, and ethnic actions); unidimensionality versus multidimensionality of measures concerning inner wellbeing. Undergraduate Programmes Module convenor Personality and Close Relationships (Yr 3)
Dr Andrew Beatty Dr Andrew Beatty
Email Dr Andrew Beatty Honorary Reader
I became interested in anthropology after spending a couple of years travelling in Asia; conducted several years’ fieldwork in Indonesia in two contrasting settings: tribal Nias and Muslim Java; British Academy Postdoc 1990-3; worked at Brunel since 1998; in 2007 launched the first Masters in psychological anthropology outside the USA. Besides many articles, I have published five books (as sole author) and am working on a sixth, a commissioned study of Clifford Geertz. Qualifications: DPhil Anthropology (Oxford) MSc Anthropology (Oxford) English Literature (York) Like many anthropologists who have worked in tribal societies, I started as a generalist, covering kinship, religion, ritual, and politics. Fieldwork in Java further developed interests in Islam, syncretism, mysticism and tolerance. I also have a longstanding interest in emotion: what is it? does anthropology have any special contribution? how should we write about it? In recent years I have been involved in international multidisciplinary collaborations on emotion and co-authored with 30 leading emotion theorists a position paper in Nature (Human Behaviour) announcing a new paradigm in the affective sciences. I am an associate editor of Emotion Review and a board member of the International Society for Research on Emotion. Work-in-progress includes a multidisciplinary volume/handbook on emotion, of which I am co-editor and contributor. Other recent work has explored narrative ethnography and literary techniques of presentation within a broadly humanistic agenda. The aim is twofold: to render the flow of experience more precisely and to capture a wider audience for anthropology. Psychological and psychiatric anthropology Emotion Religion and ritual Indonesia and Mexico New approaches to ethnographic writing Undergraduate Programmes Module convenor Ethnography of a selected region (Southeast Asia) Themes in psychological and psychiatric anthropology Module contributor Facing the unfamiliar: ethnographic fieldwork encounters Postgraduate Programmes Programme convenor MSc Psychological and Psychiatric Anthropology MRes Social Anthropology Module convenor Themes in psychological and psychiatric anthropology Ethnographic research methods Administration Director PG studies, Anthropology
Professor Peggy Froerer Professor Peggy Froerer
Email Professor Peggy Froerer Professor of Anthropology
I found my way into anthropology after studying politics, completing my PhD in Social Anthropology at the London School of Economics in 2002. My doctoral research on the emergence of Hindu nationalism within adivasi communities in central India became the subject of my first book, Religious Division and Social Conflict. I joined Brunel’s Anthropology department in 2004, following postdoctoral work on the inculcation of nationalist ideologies in educational settings. Since then, I have returned regularly to India to pursue research on education, learning and schooling; childhood and youth; poverty and development; and inequality and social mobility. My second book, Futures in Flux: Education, Aspiration and Social Mobility in Rural India, considers how marginalized young people’s differentiated engagement with school education articulates with their livelihood options and aspirations for a better future. I have also been co-Investigator on a collaborative, multi-regional research project (ESRC-DfID, 2016-2018) which examines education systems, aspiration and learning outcomes in remote rural areas of India, Lesotho and Laos. I have now started a new project on educational inequalities in the UK, with a focus on the role that education plays in the (re)production of class privilege. I have directed an ethnographic film (Village Lives, Distant Powers; produced by Margaret Dickinson), which is based on my research on development, the state and corruption in central India. Qualifications: PhD Anthropology (LSE) MSc Anthropology (LSE) MA Political Science (Jawaharlal Nehru University) BA Political Science (University of Utah) I am a social anthropologists with nearly 25 years of research experience in India on subjects ranging from nationalism and ethno-religious politics, poverty and social mobility, childhood and youth, and education and schooling. Much of this research has been driven by my interest in the relationship between education and social reproduction, and the specific role that schooling plays in the reproduction of social inequalities amongst marginalised communities in rural India. This has culminated in my second book, Futures in Flux: Education, Aspiration and Social Mobility in India. With my new research, I turn my attention to educational inequalities in the UK, and specifically to the role that education plays in the (re)production of class privilege. Research area(s) South Asia Education and schooling Childhood and youth Social reproduction Poverty and development Inequality and social mobility Nationalism and ethnic conflict Programme convenor MSc Anthropology of Childhood, Youth and Education MSc Anthropology of International Development and Humanitarian Assistance Module convenor Anthropology of Education and Learning Critical Perspectives on International Development Undergraduate Dissertation Additional teaching Understanding Childhood and Youth Fieldwork Encounters Administration Co-Director, Equality and Diversity (2023-present) Director, Postgraduate Research, Department of Social Sciences, Media and Communications (2014-2021) Director, Centre for Anthropological Research on Childhood, Youth and Education (CARCYE) (2009-2014) Convenor, Undergraduate Dissertations (2012-present) Admissions Tutor (2004-2011)
Dr Jo Holmberg Dr Jo Holmberg
Email Dr Jo Holmberg Honorary Research Fellow
I am a developmental psychologist & cognitive neuroscientist researching resilience and risk factors, such as depression and anxiety, across cultures and age cohorts, using traditional psychological quantitative methods combined with neuroimaging (EEG). I am looking at how resilience is impacted by factors such as depression, anxiety, self-esteem, family- and social support using mainly quantitative research methods and neuroimaging (EEG). Further I am exploring how resilience differe across culture and how migration impacts risk and resilience levels across different populations and age cohorts. PY1610 Learning and Social Psychology - Module Lead PY2602 Developmental Psychology - Module Lead PY2700 Research Methods - Tutor
Dr Abigail Page Dr Abigail Page
Email Dr Abigail Page Lecturer in Psychology (CCE)
Dr Page studies human reproduction, parenting, childrearing and early child development from an evolutionary and behavioural perspective. She is an interdisciplinary scientist, bringing together theories and perspectives from the Behavioural Ecology, Anthropology, Psychology, Archaeology and Demography. Her work is cross-cultural, working with both subsistence level groups across the world as well as UK based work. The main focus of my research is to improve our understanding, and consequences, of social support for mothers with young children when the face high caregiving demands. I am interested in developing our understanding about how social support works (i.e., its mechanisms) by exploring mothers respond to different types of support (practical, emotional and informational) and how they interact with existing social norms and expectations to impact key outcomes of maternal mental health, infant feeding and early child development and health. This aim has lead me with colleagues (Sarah Myers, Emily Emmott and Rebecca Sear) to developed a mobile application to collect daily data on women’s infant feeding experiences and decisions, which aims to enhance the understanding of breastfeeding narratives and feeding behaviour​. I’m also currently running a cross-cultural project exploring the relationship between fertility and subsistence in 27 subsistence level and transitional populations. This research focuses on individual levels of fertility and subsistence, overcoming previous limitations by moving beyond subsistence typologies. Social support Allomothering Reproductive scheduling and decision making Fertility Maternal and child health Infant feeding Maternal mental health Early child development Subsistence and livelihood transitions

Doctoral research members

Mrs Ayesha Ali Mrs Ayesha Ali I am a first-year doctoral researcher studying how spiritual but not religious (SBNR) practitioners seek and build spiritual community through the lens of Cultural Evolutionary Theory. I am particularly interested in the relationship between spirituality and concepts of self, personal transformation, and identity, especially in women. I joined the Centre for Culture and Evolution at Brunel University London in April 2024 having completed an MSc in Psychology at Oxford Brookes University with Distinction where I wrote my dissertation on women's experiences of personal transformation following a pilgrimage to India. Prior to beginning my PhD, I had a career in heathcare communications and behaviour change. Religion Spirituality outside of religion Pilgrimage Transformational experience Identity & selfhood
Miss Julieta Baker Miss Julieta Baker Julieta is a Doctoral Researcher in the College of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences. She has experience as a Doula and in Healthcare with an overall passion for Reproductive and Sexual health underpinning her professional endeavours. Her supervisory team includes Dr Lora Adair, Dr Michelle Kline, Dr Abigail Page and Dr Micheal De Barra with collaborator Dr Heidi Colleran (Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Germany). Julieta received her BSc Physchology with a first class honours from Brunel University. Julieta's PhD is focused on understanding the psychology of fertility decline, particularly the choice to have fewer (or no) children, later in life–and its effects on parenting. Other areas of interest also include Abortion, psychological abuse in intimate relationships and pregnancy stigma.
Mr Sotirios Kolios Mr Sotirios Kolios S. Kolios is a Ph.D. student in the Division of Psychology at Brunel University London, specifically working within the Centre for Culture and Evolution (CCE). His research interests revolve around the biological and cultural evolution of religion, ritual, and music. Qualifications: MSc in History of Medicine and Biological Anthropology, 2022 BA in Social Anthropology and History, 2018 My research revolves around the evolution of religious, ritual, and musical practices from an interdisciplinary perspective, using mixed methodologies. Also, I am very keen on investigating the evolutionary trajectory of religiosity, ritualistic behaviour, and musicality as they are attributes that are globally embedded in the human condition. Regarding religious and ritual practices, I am interested in the psychological mechanisms that underpin these behaviours and the impact they have on societies. Especially, I find it quite intriguing to do research regarding their evolutionary roots and their impact on cooperative behaviors, group identity, and intergroup interactions. Also, I am enthusiastic about exploring the evolution of musicality and the function of musical practices. Finally, my current research focuses on the interrelation and interaction between musical and ritual practices, especially concerning identity formation and cooperative behaviors. Bio-cultural evolution, psychological mechanisms and societal impact of: Religious and spiritual practices Rituals Musicality and musical practices Cultural and Biological evolutionary processes for: Cooperative behaviours Group Identity formation In-group and out-group interactions
Ms Maria Spanoudaki Ms Maria Spanoudaki I am a PhD part-time student, fourth year, and a member of the Centre for Culture and Evolution. My research focuses on inner wellbeing, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, mental health and cultural values. My samples are drawn from the UK and Greek population, mainly during COVID-19, using an online quantitative survey. I am an experienced educator, holding the AFHEA and currently working as a Student Academic Skills Adviser for ASK and as a Graduate Teaching Assistant for the Division of Psychology at Brunel University London. I support the teaching in the following blocks in the Division of Psychology: PY1700 Research Methods, PY1701 Statistics, PY2706 Advanced Academic Skills for Psychology, PY2702/PY2603/PY3702/PY5605 (Advanced) Social Psychology, PY2802/PY3803 (Advanced) Issues in Social Psychology and Individual Differences, PY2606/PY5609 Qualitative Research Methods, and PY2801 Portfolio for Cognitive Neuroscience. I have also been a marker on the following blocks: PY1800 Portfolio for Research Methods and Statistic (Synoptic Lab Report, Term 1 and 2), PY1606 Learning and Social Psychology (1,500-word essay), and PY1801 Portfolio for Academic and Employability Skills in Psychology (10-minute oral presentation). I demonstrate a natural talent for engaging effectively with adult learners and show commitment to high standards of teaching practice, working collaboratively and sharing good practice with colleagues; inspiring confidence, and motivating learners to aspire to their highest possible achievement; working with students from a variety of backgrounds. Wellbeing, Inner wellbeing, Close relationships and Social connections, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Self-actualisation, Mental health (anxiety- depression), Cultural values (individualism and collectivism).
Miss Isabel Holmes Miss Isabel Holmes I am a Doctoral Researcher in the Computer Science Department, with a keen interest in Computational Social Psychology and Computational Social Science. I'm especially interested in working with text data to predict author traits and belief in conspiracy theories as well as the use of stylistic text features in classification. I take an interdisciplinary approach that emphasises explainability and the importance of feature selection, drawing on knowledge gained through my BSc in Psychology and my MSc in Data Science. I'm especially interested in the intersection between psychology and data science, and how these two fields can inform each other to further scientific knowledge. Currently, I'm focusing on classifying authors of Reddit posts by political affiliation, using non-content based feature sets informed by relevant psychological theory. My future work will seek to predict traits related to conspiracy beliefs with the aim of developing effective intervention strategies. I'm currently a research assistant on the D.Rad Horizon 2020 Project. Here's some of our work so far: Stakeholders of (De)-Radicalisation in the UK Author personality Personality and behaviour online Non-content based text features (stylistic features) Political affiliation classification


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