Heroes and Villains in the Anthropocene
Heroes and Villains in the Anthropocene a virtual seminar series (Spring – Autumn 2021)
Read a detailed programme HERE, and save the following dates:
(pre-registration: candida.furber@brunel.ac.uk)
- 7 April 2021, 1-2pm: Love or disgust: One Butterfly, Two Worlds? - Columba Gonzalez-Duarte (Mount Saint Vincent University Halifax)
- 28 April 2021, 1-2pm: On Parasites and Commensals. Stories of Ambivalent Potato Com- panionships across Anthropocene Spaces and Times, Olivia Angé (Université libre de Bruxelles)
- 19 May 2021, 1-2pm: Indigenous Peoples and their Role as “Bearers of Hope” in the Anthropocene: Critical Reflections from Indonesian Borneo, Michaela Haug (University of Cologne)
- 9 June 2021, 1-2pm: All heroes and all villains. Remarks from rabies in India and COVID- 19 in Italy, Deborah Nadal (University of Glasgow)
- 30 June 2021, 1-2pm: Tibetan Medicine, Conservation and Covid- 19 in the Anthropo- cene: Diagnosing the Spiritual Revenge of Nature?, Jan van der Valk (University of Vienna)
- 21 July 2021, 1-2pm: Anthropocene atmospheric animals: Ruminations with climate cattle, Jonathon Turnbull, Catherine Oliver & Adam Searle (University of Cambridge)
- 8 September 2021, 1-2pm: Orangutans as gateway species: charismatic megafauna as interspecies portals of concern, Hannah Fair (University of Oxford)
- 29 September 2021, 1-2pm: Autonomy and culpability on a Malaysian plantation: the case of the Batek, Alice Rudge (University College London)
- 20 October 2021, 1-2pm: In search for fire villains: blame and wilful blindness in Indonesia’s peatlands, Viola Schreer (Brunel University London)