Networks and links

Through their participation in EU-funded projects HBM4EU, ATHLETE, ATHENA, ENDpOINTS, GOLIATH and their involvement with service contracts from EU agencies, founding members Kortenkamp, Baynes, Martin, Routledge and Scholze are fully embedded in the international network of endocrine disruptor researchers where they play leading roles.

  • Kortenkamp and Martin, through their activities with various advisory bodies are integrated into the policy contexts relevant to combination effects of chemicals (Kortenkamp: German Human Biomonitoring Commission, Martin: Governing Board of the European Chemicals Agency ECHA).
  • Baynes, Miller and Routledge provide their expertise to relevant work groups and committees on endocrine disruptor test method development and bioaccumulation assessment at the OECD level.
  • Kortenkamp, Martin, Scholze, Baynes and Routledge have close links to the European Commission DG Environment and DG JRC. Baynes and Routledge have well-developed links with DEFRA and the Environment Agency;
  • Martin sits on committees advising the UK Food Safety Agency.
  • Miller sits on the SETAC UK regional council and is part of the London Metabolomics Network, an affiliate of the Metabolomics Society.
  • Iacovidou has strong external collaborative links in sustainability research.