Our facilities

Brunel University London's Antimicrobial Innovations Centre boasts a variety of specialist facilities designed to provide researchers with the highest technology and most accurate models.

Zebrafish facility

The state-of-the-art zebrafish facility supports the first pillar of research—lab-based antimicrobial discovery and in vivo efficacy. This facility provides a more accurate and ethical wound model using embryonic zebrafish.

Galleria Mellonella facility

Our Galleria mellonella facility features genetically modified Galleria mellonella. Along with embryonic zebrafish, these models offer more accurate and ethical research options.

Organ-on-a-Chip facility

The organ-on-a-chip facility is used by our first research pillar to create a novel in-vitro microgranuloma model.

Strategic Partnership with Brunel Medical School

Our partnership with Brunel Medical School grants access to advanced facilities, including high-throughput screening systems, AI-driven drug discovery platforms, and advanced drug delivery systems. This collaboration maximizes resource use and fosters a collaborative research environment.

Department of Life Sciences Equipment

The Department of Life Sciences is equipped with high-end tools to support our research activities:

  • Illumina MiSeq for whole-genome and RNA sequencing
  • Home-Office approved Bio Annexe facility for housing the zebrafish work programme, with fluorescent confocal microscopy equipment for in vivo imaging
  • Archer super-computer cluster for 3D drug-target modelling

Analytical Instruments

We have multiple high-end analytical instruments to support the detection of various chemical classes and molecules:

  • Agilent 1260 (2D LC)
  • ICP-OESPerkin Elmer Clarus 500 (GC-MS)
  • Agilent 8890 (GC-MS)
  • Waters Xevo G2-XS (LC-QToF)
  • Sciex API 5000 (LC-QqQ)

These instruments enable the measurement of endogenous (metabolites, lipids, proteins) and exogenous substances (pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, biocides, metals), supporting untargeted analysis for discovery-driven research.

3D Printing Centre

The university’s 3D printing centre includes:

  • Stratasys PolyJet™ 3D Printer (J850)
  • Stereolithography printers (e.g., Formlab)
  • Industry-standard fused deposition modelling 3D printers (e.g., Stratasys F770)
  • Inkjet 3D printers (e.g., Dimatix Materials Printer)

The engineering department also holds licenses for software such as SOLIDWORKS, COMSOL, and ANSYS for computational modelling and finite element analysis.