Flood risk and resilience research facilities

Brunel's flood risk and resilience research is supported by a dedicated suite of world-class laboratory equipment and facilities based within the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)

These laboratories house a wide range of equipment for structures, geotechnics, materials, and fluids. In addition, our flume and open channel facilities and the hydraulics labs are vital resources supporting CFR2 researchers, partners and student contributors. The CFR2 team also benefits from the range of field research equipment, such as surveying - digital theodolites, total stations and dGPS; site investigation - soil augers, CAT cable detector, water quality meters, flow meters, digital imaging instrumentation, as well as drones/Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV).

In addition, the Centre also utilises a number of facilities within other parts of CEDPS including additional fluids, structures, dynamics and materials laboratories. The College also has considerable computer aided engineering facilities including access to standard software, e.g., AutoCAD, ABAQUS, ANSYS, Matlab, SAP2000 and MS project, and specialised software (Flood Estimation Handbook, ReFH2, WINFAP4, Flood Modeller, HEC–RAS, ArcGIS) and open access software (such as QGIS, R, and Python). The CFR2 team members based in the Department of Life Sciences are supported by toxicology and ecotoxicology facilities, a wide range of testing and analysis equipment, and state-of-the-art equipment for the chemical analysis.