Socio-political implications of the COVID-19 pandemic

At a time when there is good chance that many of our activities are moving online, and due to the economic pressures to continue in this direction, we are risking the possibility that the place and importance of our human bodies will be further minimised.

The Covid-19 pandemic reminds us that the body and the social are inextricably linked. The group can aims to ensure that if these changes do occur, they will, at least, receive serious academic and scholarly attention. We also focus on how embodied professional practice and research enquiry can be fostered in such environments using remote technologies, for humanistic, empathetic research and practice to be achieved and non-verbal communication to be better understood in such circumstances. 

Members of the group are currently putting together a large grant proposal to address the socio-political/cultural implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. Members of the group are supervising and recruiting PhD students and publishing in these areas.