LEAP-Lab Team

About us

We are a team of internationally-recognised researchers with the aim to understand and improve the performance and learning of complex, dynamic skills across a range of domains from expert performance in sport to everyday activities such as driving and walking. 

Our research team has three main objectives:

  1. Examine the skills that underpin performance including perceptual-cognitive skills (anticipation and decision making) and motor skills, and the relationship between perception and action.
  2. Investigate the moderating factors of these skills such as anxiety, pressure, physiological load, age and personality traits.
  3. Explore how we can enhance the learning of these skills such that they transfer effectively to the real-world environment.


A selection of our past and present PhD projects

Title of thesis

Student name 



Anticipating others’ intensions: The role of probabilistic information in soccer


Viktor Gredin

Primary Supervisor: Dr Daniel Bishop
Secondary Supervisor: Dr David Broadbent
External collaborators: Prof. Mark Williams (University of Utah)

Decision Making in Gaelic Football: From Testing to Training

Emma McLoughlin

Primary Supervisor: Dr David Broadbent
Secondary Supervisor: Dr Dan Bishop
External Collaborators: Dr Noel Kinrade (Nottingham Trent University) Dr Ed Coughlan (Cork Institute of Technology)

The effects of sonification on motor imagery ability

Fabio Castro

Primary Supervisor: Dr Dan Bishop
Secondary Supervisor: Dr Alex Nowicky

Contextual and dispositional influences on netball umpires’ decision making

Adele Burnett

Primary Supervisor: Dr Dan Bishop 
External Collaborators: Dr Noel Kinrade (Nottingham Trent University)

The relationship between gaze and information pickup during action observation

Giorgia D’Innocenzo

Primary Supervisor: Dr Dan Bishop 
Secondary Supervisor: Dr Alex Nowicky

Contact us

We welcome enquiries and requests for collaborations. Please get in touch with our team using the links in each profile above.

Our address

Brunel University London
Kingston Lane

Sat Nav users: Please enter the road address (Kingston Lane) and the postcode (UB8 3PN). You will be directed to Kingston Lane, which is very close to our main entrance. From there, please follow the signs.