30 May 2017, 16:00 - 18:00
Brunel University London,Lecture Centre 062
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05/30/2017 04:00 PM
05/30/2017 06:00 PM
Global Supply Network Modeling and Optimization at Caterpillar
Global Supply Network Modeling and Optimization at Caterpillar
Brunel University London,Lecture Centre 062
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Brunel University London is delighted to present a Seminar delivered by:
Tony Grichnik,
Global Technology Leader, Caterpillar Incorporated
Caterpillar’s Assurance of Supply Center (ASC) combines world class supply network modeling and monitoring of past, present and future conditions throughout a global network of suppliers, assembly locations, dealers and customers. This gives Caterpillar a strategic advantage through complete situational awareness to issues that would otherwise impact complete, timely, and profitable product delivery. In this session we will take a closer look at the business questions Caterpillar’s network modeling and optimization solution is designed to address, walk through a detailed demonstration around a major world event, and describe our vision for even more powerful capabilities in the future.