UK Solidification Workshop 2014

UK Solidification Workshop for academics, industrialists and PhD students.

The EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Liquid Metal Engineering (The EPSRC Centre – LiME) presents a free 2 day UK Solidification Workshop on 9 & 10 April 2014 at Brunel University, Uxbridge.

As a national centre, the EPSRC Centre – LiME is determined to take the lead in rebuilding the UK solidification community, restoring its glory and to take it to a new height on the international stage. This Solidification Workshop is a specific action for rebuilding the UK solidification community. It forms part of the LiME’s outreach programme and has the following specific objectives:

• To bring together the solidification researchers from the higher education institutions, research organisations and industrial companies in the UK

• To promote collaboration between members of the solidification community

• To map out solidification research across the UK in terms of people, research activities and funding levels

• To develop a roadmap for rebuilding the UK solidification community.

The workshop will feature:

• Presentations from EPSRC, TSB and IOM3 on their perspectives on metallic material research in the UK

• Introduction to the EPSRC Centre – LiME

• Presentations from major UK solidification research groups to highlight their solidification research activities

• Presentations from the key UK industrial sectors on grand solidification challenges

• Net-working gala dinner and announcement of the outcome of LiME feasibility study competition

• Poster session to showcase specific research outcomes

• Panel-led discussion on the future of the UK solidification community.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Name: Lauren Wigmore