
There are multiple opportunities to undertake training in research integrity and associated activities. This page provides an overview of these opportunities.

All research-related staff and students are asked to complete our Research Integrity online module.  This is administered through the graduate school and you can see more about this and other relevant training on their training and development pages. The Research Integrity course is available to Brunel users through Epigeum. Please visit Brunel Graduate School - Researcher Development Programme Resources (Online Courses folder) on Brightspace for instructions on how to register on Epigeum. 

Internal training

It is compulsory for all staff to attend data protection training.  Brunel Educational Excellence Centre (BEEC) provide a number of different training sessions for staff on topics such as:

  • Integrity training for all levels
  • Research ethics processes and procedures
  • Research project management

The Graduate School provide training for research students. Some of the topics include:

  • Ethics workshops
  • Online modules
  • Research Data Management

External training

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) courses provided by National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) cover the needs of researchers in relation to GCP compliance.  This training is mandatory for those involved in Clinical Trials of Investigational Medicinal Products (CTIMPs).

The UK Data Service provides advice for those who wish to use the service as well as useful advice on managing research data, including information on other resources such as the Managing and Sharing Research Data – A guide to good practice.

The Digital Curation Centre provides extensive guidance and a variety of training materials, how-to guides, checklists and tools on the storage, management, protection and sharing of digital research data.