Research degree progress structure

Research degrees evolve in different ways according to discipline but the table below provides some indicators what progress might look like at each stage of study for full time students. Part time students will have up to 6 years to complete their research degree.  

Research degree progress timelines
 Academic Task 0-12 months 12-24 months24-36 months 
 Attend Induction Day  x    
 Develop research proposal  x    
 Draft research design: methodology, questions,  etc  x    
 Complete draft literature review  x  x  
 Apply for and obtain research ethics approval  x  x  
 Produce detailed plan of work to expected submissions date  x    
 Data collection/field work  x  x  x
 Data analysis  x  x  x
 Produce detailed thesis plan for progress review    x  x
 Review plan of work to ensure timely submission    x  x
 Presentation at external conference    x  x
 Poster/oral presentation at internal research conference    x  x
 Publication    x  x
 Write up - production of draft thesis chapters    x  x
 Research skills and personal development  x  x  x

Candidates for research degrees will normally be required to present themselves for a viva voce examination within three months of the date of submission of the thesis.