Research degree fees

For fee purposes, students are classified as either home or international. For details of the criteria used for establishing fee status, visit the UK Council for International Student Affairs website. If you are unsure whether you are classified as home or international, please contact the Admissions Office on +44 (0)1895 265265.

For international students, subject areas are classified as either low band (generally classroom-based), middle band or high band (generally requiring higher cost resources or equipment). Each band has a different fee.

Home fees


Fees per year for 2023/24

Fees per year for 2024/25

PhD – Postgraduate Research

Full time: £4,712
Part time: £2,356

Full time: £4,786
Part time: £2,393

Brunel Integrated PhD 



International fees 

College fees (including Brunel Integrated PhD)

Full-time fees per year for 2023/24

Part-time* fees per year for 2023/24

Full-time fees per year for 2024/25

Part-time* fees per year for 2024/25

College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences





College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences and College of Health, Medicine and Life Science





*for students not requiring Tier 4 visa

Research projects undertaken within the Department of Life Sciences in the areas of Biosciences; Environmental Sciences; Psychology and Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences may require an annual bench fee. The amount is variable dependent on the requirements of the project and will be discussed and agreed between the applicant and the supervisor at interview stage. This amount will be additional to tuition fees and will be stated in the offer letter from Admissions.

Students pay a fee for each year of registration up until their expected submission date of 36 months (3 years) for full-time students and 72 months (6 years) for part-time students.  The expected submission date on the Brunel Integrated PhD programme is 48 months (4 years). 

  • Full-time – fee normally applies for one year for an MPhil or for each of three years for a PhD.

  • Part-time – fee normally applies for each of two years for an MPhil or up to six years for a PhD.

  • Brunel Integrated PhD – fee applies for each of four years.

All fees are subject to normal annual incremental increases, which will not be more than 5% or RPI, whichever is the higher. In the event that students do not submit their thesis by the expected submission date, a reduced fee is charged for the period in which they are finalising their thesis, up until their maximum period of registration is reached.

Please see Student Financial Policy for further information.