Social Work Seminar Series: Thinking differently about public mental health

Traditional approaches to public mental health at a policy level have been criticized for privileging biomedical understandings and neglecting the social context of distress.

Dave Harper portraitIn this presentation Professor Dave Harper will briefly review these criticisms and explore how we might approach public mental health differently, drawing on the Power Threat Meaning Framework (BPS, 2018) as an example.

Dave Harper is Professor of Clinical Psychology and Programme Director (Academic) of the DClinPsych programme at the University of East London. Prior to moving to UEL in 2000 Dave worked as a clinical psychologist in NHS mental health services for a decade. He is a co-author of Psychology, mental Health and distress (Palgrave MacMillan, 2013).

LUNCTIME SEMINAR: Please bring and eat your lunch.


Dr Pam Alldred
T +44 (0)1895 267270
Twitter: @AllPam