20 May 2020, 10:00 - 16:00
Brunel University Londn
05/20/2020 10:00 AM
05/20/2020 04:00 PM
British Sociological Association Sport Studies Group: Virtual Postgraduate Forum
The annual forum of the British Sociological Association Sport Studies Group provides postgraduate research students with the opportunity to network, discuss and present their research.
Brunel University Londn
Robyn Smith
Doctoral Researcher
Robyn Smith
Doctoral Researcher
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Our annual forum provides postgraduate research students (PGRs) with the opportunity to network, discuss and present their research.
During these challenging times, now more than ever, we are keen to provide an open and supportive space for PGRs to come together and discuss timely methodological and theoretical issues within sport, health, and the social sciences. As such, we are currently developing an online programme.
The day will begin with an expert panel and discussion focused around key methodological and theoretical challenges of adapting research during a pandemic. There will then be opportunities to present research and network with other PGRs. The forum is open to any PGR with an interest in sport.
We are seeking papers around topics such as, but not limited to:
- Sociology of Sport
- Gender
- Coaching
- Health and Wellbeing
- Sport policy
- Race and Ethnicity
- Pedagogy
- Physical Cultural Studies
- Ageing
- Physical Education
- Participatory Methods
- Human Geographies
- Sport and National Identity
- Business
- Sexualities
- Sociology of the Body
- Identity
- Youth Sport
The call for abstracts is now open and we are keen to encourage creative forms of dissemination alongside oral presentations. Attendees can submit their preference to present their project as a:
- 10-minute oral presentation
- 3-minute video
- alternative visual submission that can be viewed online
Please submit a 200-word abstract, preferred dissemination format and availability on 3, 4 and 7 September to robyn.smith@brunel.ac.uk by Tuesday 30 June 2020.
For additional information, please contact the committee: