This page contains documents relating to the delivery, development and approval of the University's taught programmes.
Programme Documentation Repository
Current programme information as per programme specifications and block outlines can be found in the Programme Documentation Repository (authorised users only).
Programme Delivery
The following documents support the delivery of Brunel University London taught programmes.
Placement Learning Policy
Appointing Recognised Supervisors and Recognised Teachers Policy
Recognised Teacher - Appointment Form
Peer Review of Teaching and Learning in Apprenticeship Provision Policy
Peer Review of Teaching and Learning in Apprenticeship Provision Review Form
Programme Approval
High-quality programme provision is integral to Brunel's ongoing success in producing high calibre graduates. Realising this, the mechanisms utilised in programme design, development and approval ensure it is transparent, robust and consistent with the University's strategic plan and the UK Quality Code for Higher Education.
Staff are advised to read the following policies and documents prior to implementing any programme approval.
Programme Approval Protocol
Short Course Policy
Principles of Staged Masters Programmes
Significant modification to existing programmes is managed through the Programme Modification Policy (see below).
Formal reapproval of a programme is achieved through Periodic Programme Review (see below).
Programme Approval: Strategic Scrutiny and Approval Stage
Guidance on the strategic approval process for new programmes is provided within the Programme Approval Protocol.
Related Forms:
Strategic Approval - New Programmes Form
Staff wishing to propose a programme title change through the Strategic Approval Scrutiny Sub-Committee should follow the Programme Modification Policy.
Programme Approval: Documentation
The following documents are of relevance to staff undertaking programme development.
Undergraduate Programme Specification
Postgraduate Programme Specification
Integrated Masters Programme Specification
Integrated Foundation Year Programme Specification
Apprenticeship Training Plan Specification
Ofsted Readiness Assessment for Apprenticeships
Programme Approval - Design Endorsement Form (for cross-department or cross-college programmes)
Validated Postgraduate Programme Element Specification Pro-forma
Validated Undergraduate Programme Element Specification Pro-forma
Guidance for completing programme specification pro forma
Short Course Specification Template
Short Courses: Additional Information Required for Approval Template
Assessment Block Outline
Study Block Outline
Modular Block Outline
Guidance for Completing Modular, Study and Assessment Block Outlines
HECoS Codes (please see guidance in Programme Approval Policy)
External Reviewer - Nomination Form
List of Recognised Programme Developers
Student Participation in Quality Assurance Policy
Programme Modifications, Suspensions and Withdrawals
Programme Modification
Information on how to make modifications to existing programmes or modular/block outlines is presented in the Programme Modification Policy.
A proposal for a programme modification should be made using the Programme Modification Request Form.
Suspension and withdrawals of programmes
Proposals for the suspension/withdrawals of programmes undergo scrutiny to ensure that all significant risks, including to academic standards and quality of learning opportunities for all students remaining on the programme, are robustly mitigated for.
Programme Suspension and Withdrawal Policy
Programme Suspension or Withdrawal Request Form
Other Items
Variation to Scheme of Studies Application Form