
All interviews will be held online


We use online Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) format - designed so that candidates engage in a number of short interviews, using a range of different interviewers positioned at 6 stations. 

MMIs will start in November 2024 for international students and in February 2025 for UK students.

The MMIs will be conducted online with candidates and examiners participating remotely. An online interview pack will be provided to invited candidates in advance to explain the process.  

Each candidate will be assessed at 6 mini-interview ‘stations’, each designed to assess a different attribute, blueprinted to Good Medical Practice.   

How does a MMI work?

MMIs are very similar to face-to-face MMIs in terms of content, so you can expect some of the familiar questions to appear. You can also expect to have the same number of question stations. But the actual delivery is different. Instead of you physically moving from station to station, you remain seated and move 'virtually' to different online rooms to answer your questions. 

General advice and guidance

You will need to be skilful regarding the delivery of a MMI as a slightly different approach is needed. We recommend that you follow these guidelines and do some of your own research in order to be fully prepared.

Practice being interviewed online.  Practice with a friend or family member, record it, and then be honest with yourself and analyse how you performed, and ask your friend/family member to provide feedback on how you came across on video. You will discover it is quite different to speaking to someone face-to-face.

Be yourself. We are looking for more than just someone you can recite information they have rehearsed.  We want to hear from you and understand why you want a career in medicine.


Who can I contact for more information?

Please contact our enquiries team

+44(0) 1895 268083