New routes to funding

LogoERDFUnder the funded Co-Innovate programme we are offering London based SMEs, Start-Ups and Entrepreneurs the opportunity to attend these sessions for free. You will need to complete at least two of the four offered courses (you can mix and match according to interest area/business focus) and register with our Co-Innovate programme.

Check if you are eligible:

  • You are a Small to Medium Enterprise / start-up / early stage entrepreneur
  • You are trading from a London borough

Part 2:

New routes to funding Wednesday 6th December, 9am to 3pm

By course leader Barry E. James, Founder/CEO, The Crowd Data Center / The Crowdfunding Center

Bringing SMEs and entrepreneurs up to speed with today’s funding landscape - including the use of modern funding options to unlock new, and more traditional, funding sources for business growth.

Including - illustrated by case studies:

  • What Crowdfunding is and is not
  • The different types of crowdfunding
  • Suitability: of each of the different types of crowdfunding to business stages and scenarios
  • including workable combinations for different scenarios
  • Selecting the platform
  • Setting the Goal / Financial and Other Targets
  • Clarity: The problem, the Messages, the Offering, the Pitch, the Video
  • Skills & Resource, Requirements & Expectations
  • Required for a successful crowdfunding campaign - seed or equity:
  • How to assess the help/consultancy and support services on offer

Please visit our marketing video to learn more about what to expect at our workshop: