Harrow - Workshop 1: Developing a Business Value Proposition and Marketing

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This workshop is for trading businesses in London

This is a two- day workshop designed for London based start-ups, micro and SME business owners and emphasise the close link between marketing and finance especially in relation to

- Your initial launch and on-going viability

- How to scale or grow the business

Our workshop will help you to focus on the direction you want to take your business in marketing and finance terms and how marketing, finance understanding and sales is the engine that drives business growth.

We will be looking at marketing as an outcome of understanding your value proposition(s) developed using the Business Canvas Model (BCM). We will also use this tool to understand the financing of the key building blocks of your business.

Workshop 1: Developing a Business Value Proposition and Marketing

With the thousands of messages we receive everyday, traditional and social media, it is a wonder that our customers can hear us to learn how we can help them or add value.

This one -day interactive workshop will start by looking at analysing your business model and developing/reviewing your value proposition. From this we can then start to consider in detail, marketing tools for the business.

Our aim through this workshop is to reinforce marketing as one of the key activities in establishing the business venture and its future growth, also how flexibility in your approach is essential to meet the ever-changing demands of your clients.

The workshop will cover:

- Defining your marketing strategy and refining for the future using simple tools and/or steps

- Understanding what your value proposition is

- The effectiveness of social media and/or traditional media - what best suits you

- How are you identifying new opportunities?

- How do you access/create a new target audience?

- Do you need to have a brand identity - How to create one in 5 easy steps

- Impact of GDPR

- How do/are you measuring the success of your marketing activities?

Attendees will walk away with 3 action points that relates to individual marketing activities and/or strategy together with top tips/tools and apps to make attendees more effective in promoting the business.

The Facilitator

London Business Partnership (“LBP”) is a non-profit making social enterprise organisation that has successfully delivered, over several years, projects targeting start-ups and existing businesses. The support includes one to one business advice and development, mentoring and coaching. LBP has developed and is currently running Mentoring and Coaching programs across London including Mentoring Harrow.



Melanie Wakely, a trained social media manager with over 20 years experiential event marketing agency experience gained at Cunning Stunts, RPM, Edelman/JCPR and Hill & Knowlton, Smirnoff, BMW MINI, British Airways, Tango, FHM, Capco Covent Garden, and Cancer Research are just a few of the brands she has worked with over the years.

Naima Omasta-Milsom, is an experienced incubation and business support director, providing project development, management and delivery. With a solid SMEs and start-up advice coupled with ICT skills and knowledge. Started life with the Princes Trust and worked for Park Royal Partnership. She has extensive partnership working experience and has helped develop new joint initiatives in various industry sectors.

Deryck Sealy is a qualified business adviser and experienced trainer with a degree in Business and Computing. Having worked for Lloyds Bank for over 20 years, he has an extensive experience working with SMEs on a 1:1 basis as well as designing and delivering seminars/workshops including marketing and finance.