Co-Innovate West London Meets India Conference (UK-India Relations)

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Strengthening Trade and Investment Relations between UK and India

Aim of the Event:

The West London Meets India conference and sector-specific workshops are designed to help London's SMEs to explore the business, trade, and investment opportunities that India has to offer in various sectors and learn how to do business there. There will also be an opportunity to receive mentoring and further advice for SMEs interested in enhancing their India journey, including participation in virtual and/or actual bilateral trade delegations.

Format of the Event:

Scene setting and thought-provoking speeches and presentations by keynote speakers. Participants will also be able to explore the practicalities of various topics in small groups, network and build alliances.


Keynote Speakers:

Kevin McCole, Managing Director, UKIBC  - India Business Overview

Siddharth Mukne, Associate Director, UKIBC -  Market Entry

Andrew Dakers, CE, West London Business -  West London Economy

Dr Onkar Sahota, Member of London Assembly Health Committee -  Pandemic Healthcare Perspective

Ash Verma, Honorary Fellow, Brunel University, London - Indian Diaspora Perspective

Professor Rob Holdway, Innovation Director, Co-Innovate Journeys programme, and Professor Associate, Brunel University London School of Engineering Design & Physical Sciences  -  Co-Innovate Programme

Dr Monomita Nandy,  Director of Internationalisation and Exchange Coordinator, Brunel University London -  Brunel University Perspective

Other speakers will be confirmed

Agenda of the Event:

10.00am - 11.00am Introduction and Welcome Speeches - Inauguration

11.05am - 12.00pm Doing Business with India - Panel Discussion

12.05pm - 1.00pm  Part 3 - Market Entry Panel Discussion

For more information about this event, please contact the Co-Innovate Team on