Business Investment Accelerator Programme: Business Assessment/Review Day

BIA Programme Assessment Day

Business Investment Accelerator Programme: Business Assessment/Review Day

This workshop is part of Co-Innovate Business Investment Accelerator Programme - a programme which will get you ready to pitch to our potential funders and investors. The programme is delivered by Co-Innovate Brunel in partnership with Business Board Room and Natwest Business.

About this event

Sukhi Wahiwala, millionaire and investor, will deliver the first session of the Business Investment Accelerator Programme on 17th January 2023.

Sukhi will focus on personal profiling and the skills development of the ambitious entrepreneurs.

Why use the DISC Assessment? 

DISC is a personal profiling tool which can be used to improve work productivity, teamwork, and communication. It will help you understand both your own behaviours and that of those you work with. DISC Assessment will help you to understand “what makes you who you are", and links directly to your company’s Mission, Vision, and Values.

Part 1 of the session will discuss your ‘mindset’ – that’s how you make sense of your environment and influences how you think, feel, and behave. Sukhi will also prepare you to complete the assessment.

Part 2 will explain the D.I.S.C. elements.

Part 3 then delves into exploring who you really are and understanding yourself better.

Part 4 we use the findings to assess what you are trying to achieve, and the skills you and others will need in the growing business.

DISC Assessment helps to:

  • Increase your self-knowledge: what motivates you, what causes you stress and how you solve problems, how you respond to conflicts. 

  • Develop stronger sales skills by identifying and responding to customer styles.

  • Manage more effectively by understanding the dispositions and priorities of employees and team members, which also facilitates better teamwork.

  • Become more self-knowledgeable, well-rounded and effective leaders.

Guest Speakers

Sukhi Wahiwala - Strategic Business Mentor

Sukhi Wahiwala is a successful serial Entrepreneur building and establishing a “Small Business Empire” and harnessing 7 generations of business success and has become an established multimillionaire. Sukhi's own unique methodology called "The SynaGus Method" creates clear, simple to follow strategies, to grow businesses and emotional intelligence, to reshape the bottom line profit & stability of thousands of Companies and individual lives around the world. Sukhi also Invests and Assists, through Mentoring, Multiple Companies across the Globe. 


Naima Omasta-Milsom – Co-Innovate Innovation Director

Naima Omasta-Milsom, Innovation Director for Brunel University Co-Innovate project, under the Co-Innovate Journeys. Naima has nearly 20 years’ experience in business support and project management. She is also a Founder and Director of non-for profit, London Business Partnership Ltd (2012) a business support organisation that offers support and help to London’s SMEs and entrepreneurs.

Why Co-Innovate?

Co-Innovate at Brunel University London and its network of partners have already worked with over 900 London businesses since the programme started in 2012. Brunel University London has a global reputation of excellence in research, student employability and commercial impact.

Your business could be the perfect candidate for help and support through the Co-Innovate programme. We work with partner organisations to gather and share expertise with owner-managers like you.

Why not get to know us better? Register for this event and see what we might do for you. When you have registered we will be in touch and will provide you with the joining instructions.

Register for all sessions of Business Investment Accelerator Programme here:

1. Business Investment Accelerator Programme - Launch Day

2. Business Investment Accelerator Programme: Business assessment day

3. Business Investment Accelerator Programme: Goal setting and developing strategic plans

4. Business Investment Accelerator Programme: Building a business growth mindset

5. Business Investment Accelerator Programme: Writing a great 60 second pitch

6. Business Investment Accelerator Programme: Pitch your business/Networking day

Any questions? Please contact