Apply for Gold open access publishing funds

Brunel University London currently supports open access publishing and archiving of peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers in line with the Open Access Mandate in the University's Research Integrity Code.  For information on open access publishing for monographs, see our guidance.

The Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund supports open access publishing for Brunel staff corresponding authors publishing research articles published in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, meeting all eligibility requirements below. Articles must comply with all applicable requirements for the selected publishing route and any funders directly acknowledged as detailed in Plan S and publishing your research

Where charges will be incurred for publishing open access, authors must have prior confirmation from Open Access that funds are available to cover Article Processing Charges (APCs) or other costs, before first submitting the manuscript for publication.  This will be recorded and funds reserved. Open Access will be unable to meet the costs for articles which do not follow this process. 

On this page you can find information on:

Before you start, here is some general information about the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.

What is the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund?

 The fund is comprised of the following:

  • A block grant from UKRI to support eligible open access costs for research directly acknowledging UKRI funding. The Block Grant does not cover APC costs for publishing open access in hybrid journals which are not part of a Jisc-approved Transformative Agreement.

  • Central funding to support open access costs for journal articles which do not acknowledge any funding, or where the funder does not provide a specific award for publishing costs. Some funders allow publishing costs to be met or claimed back from grants. Where this is the case, the University expects these funds to be used first before applying for central funding.  

  • Other funder block grants, which may vary based on our research award portfolio, e.g. British Heart Foundation.

How are open access publishing costs paid?

Open access publishing costs are mainly paid through the following routes: 

  • direct payment - fees are paid upon receipt of the invoice for articles where Open Access has confirmed in advance that funds for publishing are available.

  • funder pays - some funders have direct mechanisms for making open access payments, Wellcome Trust is one of these - see below.  Other funder programmes, like Horizon Europe, may allow publishing costs to be paid from a research grant. Where this is the case, the University expects these funds to be used first before applying to the central fund. 

  • pre-payment accounts - where credit is lodged with a publisher in advance and is used up as articles are published; these often offer discounted publishing costs compared to pay-as- you-go publishing.

  • transformative agreements - these include Read and Publish subscription deals which offset the costs of publishing and reading for hybrid journals. These are journals which contain both fully open and paywalled content, and charge both Article Processing Charges (APCs) for immediate open access and subscription fees for access to subscription only content. 

    Only Transformative Agreements negotiated for the UK HE sector through Jisc currently meet funder and University open access requirements. See What is a transformative agreement? 

Funders paying open access costs directly

Wellcome Trust

The University does not currently hold publishing funds for Wellcome Trust. Corresponding authors acknowledging Wellcome Trust grants in their article should claim these from the funder directly, following the mechanism advised by the funder.

Wellcome operates a strict open access policy and will not cover APC costs for articles published in hybrid journals which are not compliant with its terms and conditions. Authors acknowledging Wellcome Trust funding are advised to check before submission that the chosen publishing route and licence will meet Wellcome's open access policy using the Journal Checker Tool, or contacting Open Access.

Please note that the Open Access Publishing Fund will not ordinarily be able to meet the APC costs for articles acknowledging Wellcome grants as the funder reimburses costs directly to the grant. However, Open Access will provide authors with all the support needed to liaise with the funder and publisher and process the payment on your behalf through the grant. 


How to apply for open access publishing funds

Before submission complete an APC request form (linked below) for your target journal and wait for a decision before proceeding. Where authors do not have prior confirmation from Open Access before submission, authors will be asked to secure alternative funding from departments.

On acceptance, deposit the final Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) in BRAD.  

Before submission

Authors should first complete an APC funding request form for the preferred journal or journals, before submitting a manuscript to the publisher. See our video on how to complete the form: How to fill in the APC funding request form.

  1. Apply for APC funding before manuscript submission using the APC Funding Request Form.

  2. Await confirmation from the Open Access team that your article is eligible to have its open access charges covered.

  3. Once you have confirmation, submit your manuscript. 

    Make sure your manuscript submission includes: 

    • your unique ORCiD.

    • any required funder acknowledgments, including the official funder grant reference number.

    • The correct University affiliation:
      Brunel University London

    • a Data Access Statement. If you deposit the underpinning research data in Brunel Figshare you will be able to get a unique DOI for the underpinning research data to include in the Data Access Statement. This will allow you to track citations and reuse and help to evidence impact. See our Research data management web page for more information.

    • a Rights Retention Statement in line with the University's Institutional Rights Retention Policy for research articles. 

See below for steps that must be completed on acceptance. 

On acceptance

Brunel authors should follow the steps below to upload the Author Accepted Manuscript to their BRAD account immediately on acceptance for all journal articles and conference papers.  This is required under the University's Open Access Mandate, and will help to ensure that the article will meet REF and funder open access policy requirements. 

As not all papers submitted are accepted, this also confirms to Open Access that the paper is being published, and if APC funding has been requested, confirm that any publishing funds held in reserve, will be required. 

For papers with an external corresponding author, Brunel authors must still deposit the Author Accepted Manuscript, in case the corresponding author fails to do so. If this is not possible, authors should contact BRAD at the earliest opportunity for further advice. 

Please note that you will need to have completed the pre-submission steps above before doing so, as your article may not be compliant and may be eligible to have open access fees covered by the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund. 

If you are new to BRAD, you can view an introductory video and the open access roadmap page and BRAD user guide for more information on how to deposit your accepted manuscript. 

    1. Go to the manual record screen of your publication in BRAD.

    2. Answer Yes to the question: Do you want to apply for APC funding?  You must also complete the pre-submission funding request form. 

    3. Enter details of the corresponding author's institution, if not Brunel University London. Please note we are unable to meet APC costs for corresponding authors outside Brunel.

    4. Link your publication to all relevant grants - you may need to add your grant as a manual record if not already listed. 

    5. Enter any additional information relevant to your request in the comments box, e.g. external sources of funding not held by Brunel and any grant/funder information not yet linked. 


    6. Upload the Author Accepted Manuscript to the publication record.


Eligibility for funding

Eligibility for open access funds is determined by a number of criteria:

Corresponding author status

The University is able to fund Article Processing Charge (APC) costs for Brunel staff corresponding authors with research responsibility, who are employed by the University at the time of submission. Authors need to demonstrate that that they meet eligibility requirements and must first receive confirmation from Open Access that APC funding can be made available before submitting a manuscript to a publisher. 

Although it is now common to see multiple authors listed as corresponding on a published paper, where this is the case, the submitting corresponding author is held as the corresponding author by both publishers and institutions, for the purpose of deciding responsibility for APC funding, including funding under Read and Publish agreements.

Corresponding author status should be decided according to standard disciplinary practice and contribution. This is normally the lead or first author. Where the corresponding author is based elsewhere, their institution or organisation is expected to meet the APC costs. If an article identifies multiple corresponding authors, for APC funding purposes, it is the submitting author's institution that is expected to meet any publishing costs. 

Authors should ensure that the submitting corresponding author is chosen appropriately with contribution and standard disciplinary norms. Where the corresponding author is not a current member of academic staff, and is therefore ineligible for APC funding, open access can be achieved by Brunel authors via deposit in the institutional repository via BRAD,  under the University's instititutional rights retention policy, which applies to all affiliated authors. 

Staff co-authors 
If an eligible member of staff is a co-author but is not the corresponding author, they are not usually eligible to access the fund, including those held in Transformative Agreements. The fund is unable to support corresponding authors of other organisations. Authors may wish to bear this in mind when deciding corresponding author responsibility, and if the corresponding author's institution or organisation is unable to cover the APC, they should ensure that they are able to meet REF and funder open access requirements.

Where appropriate, based on discipline norms and academic contribution, and subject to agreement from fellow co-authors, it is sometimes possible for a Brunel staff co-author to assume corresponding author responsibility and will then be eligible to apply for APC funding, subject to sufficient remaining funds. Please seek advice from Open Access if this situation applies. 

Where it is not appropriate for an eligible Brunel staff co-author to be the corresponding author, authors are advised to choose an alternative suitable compliant route, or to follow rights retention steps to allow deposit of the peer-reviewed and accepted manuscript under a CC-BY licence on first publication. This will make sure the article complies with the grant terms and conditions.  

Doctoral researchers
Doctoral researchers are not subject to the University's Open Access Mandate and are therefore not normally eligible to access the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.  This also includes Read and Publish Transformative Agreements which are currently only available to staff corresponding authors under current sector requirements.  

However, some exceptions apply, if you are on a PhD by Published Works programme, or are funded by UKRI, or are corresponding author of a paper required to acknowledge a specific research grant for which we are in receipt of grant funds. Please contact Open Access for advice in the first instance, by completing a pre-submission funding request form.  

In other circumstances, and only if this is appropriate according to contribution and other discipline standards, an eligible research staff co-author may assume corresponding author responsibility and would then be eligible to apply for APC funding.  

Research funding status

Subject to available funds, the University will pay an APC for a research article by Brunel staff corresponding authors which acknowledge a research grant, where payment is needed to comply with funder requirements for open access and where other funds are not available. 

Some Transformative Agreements may have restrictions on whether they can be used by outputs which do not acknowledge a research grant, or offer more restrictive licence options. 

Authors acknowledging research grants, should check their publication route eligibility and if the route is fully open access, contact Open Access before submission. Authors should also deposit the Author Accepted Manuscript in BRAD immediately on acceptance, either directly, or for authors who do not have access to BRAD, by contacting the team directly: 

Authors without grant funding can also follow the same steps to request APC funding, where publishing in fully open access journals. 

Research output status

Not all types of research output are eligible for funding. To be considered, your output should be one of the following types:

  • peer reviewed primary research article

  • systematic review

  • conference proceedings with an ISSN

  • non-commissioned / invited review articles* 

  • all review articles acknowledging a UKRI grant.**

*Commissioned/invited reviews are not currently in scope of the fund. Authors may follow traditional publishing routes, and make the article available in the institutional repository, or find alternative sources of funding. However, please check with Open Access if you are unsure.

** The UKRI's open access policy covers all review articles including those invited or commissioned papers, where they acknowledge a UKRI grant. These are now eligible to access UKRI open access funding administered by Brunel. 

Publication status

It is not usually possible to pay an APC retrospectively for a paper that has previously been published, except where this is required by a funder to comply with grant terms and conditions. 

Funds also will not be released for outputs that do not comply with the University's open access policy, any relevant funder's open access policy and Research Excellence Framework (REF) policy on open access. 

When selecting a potential publisher, authors can check whether the chosen journal and publisher meets funder and REF open access requirements using the Jisc SHERPA tools and the Journal Checker Tool.  Please contact Open Access for guidance.


What happens to your request?

After authors make a request, Open Access will notify you of the outcome within 5 working days. If accepted, you will receive further information and instructions relevant to you.  

Please note that if you have not followed the pre-submission requirements and have not secured confirmation of funds before submitting your manuscript, the University will be unable to meet the open access publishing costs.  

If your request is declined, this may be because the publisher does not offer a suitable licence, or may not meet publishing or academic standards. For more information see Choosing a genuine publisher and Plan S and publishing your research

If your request for funding is approved

If your request for Gold open access funding is approved,  you should:

  1. Check whether a prepayment account, discount or deal applies below. APC costs may be charged to pre-paid accounts with selected publishers. See Publisher prepayments, membership deals and discounts.  

  2. Arrange Gold Open Access under a CC BY Licence. The only exception is where a more restrictive licence is explicitly allowed as part of a Jisc-approved Transformative Agreement.

  3. Check that there are no supplementary page and colour charges associated with your article, as the Open Access fund is unable to meet these costs and you will need to find alternative sources of funding. 

How to raise an invoice for Article Processing Charges

If you need to follow a pay on receipt of invoice route, a requisition for a Brunel Purchase Order will need to be raised on your behalf by Open Access.  You must first have applied to us for an APC and have email confirmation from the Open Access team that the APC will be funded before submitting your manuscript, as detailed above.

Authors should request an invoice as follows:

  • Set the billing address with the eligible Brunel corresponding author's name and department. This will help avoid delays to payment processing. 

  • You may need to supply the University's VAT number. We are not exempt from paying VAT on open access charges. 

  • Contact Open Access to request a Purchase Order for payment from the University's central Open Access Publishing funds, forwarding the publisher's invoice.

If you are asked to make payment through one of our pre-paid publisher accounts, please check the list of publishers in the below for full details on access. Please note that if the publisher charges supplementary charges, e.g. rights clearance, colour or overlength charges, the fund is unable to cover these, and alternative funding should be obtained. 

Page and colour charges

The University is not able to pay supplementary charges from the central open access publishing funds, such as overlength / page or colour charges.  These charges are also not eligible costs to be paid from UKRI open access grants. Other funder terms and conditions may also prohibit the use of their funds to meet these costs.

These charges are administrative charges, not open access costs and do not meet funder and national sector requirements. Additionally, funders, institutions and sector bodies see these additional costs as disingenuous and a hangover from the paper age.

Where authors are unable to have the charges waived or removed, we advise authors in the first instance to check whether funding support is available within their own department. Alternatively, they can be charged to a suitable fund code once permission has been obtained from the budget holder. 

Transformative Agreements for hybrid journals 

Open access costs are increasingly included as part of transformative agreements for hybrid journals. These include read and publish packages, transformative journals and others. See What is a Transformative Agreement?

Brunel subscribes to a number of agreements with major publishers where available and cost effective. Agreements available to Brunel authors are listed below in Publisher prepayments, membership deals and discounts.

What are hybrid journals and do they comply with open access requirements?

Hybrid journals charge both Article Processing Charges (APCs) for open access publishing and subscription fees to access subscription only content. 

Many UK and international public funders, including UKRI, Wellcome Trust and the European Commission, no longer support publication in hybrid journals unless they are published under a funder-approved transformative arrangement.  These agreements offset the costs of reading and publishing and implement the cOAlition S Plan S principles designed to accelerate the transition to full open access and remove delays and barriers encountered by those who fund, carry out or use publicly funded research. In the UK, Transformative Agreements and Transformative Journals must be approved by Jisc to meet UK funder requirements.

To meet open access requirements, corresponding authors should check their publishing venue before submission using the Journal Checker Tool on Plan S and publishing your research.  

What do I do if my preferred journal is not compliant with open access requirements?

If the journal does not offer a compliant route, authors are advised to use rights retention or choose an alternative route. All authors will be able to benefit from the new institutional rights retention policy from October 2024.  Where other available journals are not suitable,  please get in touch with the Open Access team and we will work with you to look into all options available to help you publish using the best available route. 

Grant funded corresponding authors: If your article acknowledges grant funding from UKRI, Wellcome Trust and other Plan S funders, you will need to choose an alternative route to remain compliant with the grant's terms and conditions and avoid incurring any funder applied sanctions.  You will also not be able to access any open access publishing funds held for non-compliant routes. 

Non-funded corresponding authors:  It is recommended that you choose a UKRI compliant publishing route or apply rights retention wording to your manuscript at the point of submission, wherever possible. This will also support national negotiations for UK Transformative Agreements. However, your article will continue to comply with current REF open access policy until it is revised at a later date, but it is expected that future REF policy will be the same or similar to the UKRI open access policy requirements implemented on 1 April 2022.

If you are not acknowledging a specific research grant and are unable to make your research immediately open on publication through paid open access publishing or rights retention, contact Open Access for advice. 

Is there a list of journal titles covered by Transformative Agreements for Brunel authors?

An indicative list of journals included in Brunel's Transformative Agreements is available here.

Authors acknowledging grant funding can continue using the Journal Checker Tool to check individual titles for any grant funders being acknowledged. The tool can currently only provide results based on funder acknowledgement, and while authors not acknowledging grant funding do not need to choose funder compliant titles, they can use the tool as a guide only, to see whether a Transformative Agreement is in place at Brunel or a title might be fully open access and whether the corresponding author needs to apply for APC funding. To do so, simply choose UKRI as the funder: this will show any Transformative Agreements which are available to eligible Brunel authors. 

Work is underway to develop a lookup tool for the UK HE sector, which is able to display this information reliably and which will be able to update information in line with changes which can affect a journal's approved Transformative status: including change of journal ownership, publisher opt-outs,  institution current subscription status, or journal flips from hybrid to fully open access. 

Publisher prepayments, transformative agreements, membership deals and discounts

Brunel has arranged deals with several publishers to reduce the cost of APC payments and to support other open access initatives.  We are adding new deals as they are negotiated, so please contact us if a publisher you expect to see is not on the list or it is listed as non-compliant in the Journal Checker Tool. In some cases, open access publishing may be capped or restricted by funder to certain titles only.  

Deals which meet the UK Jisc Transformative Agreement criteria, in line with Plan S principles are clearly marked as such.  Even where a publisher is on this list, authors must check publishing route compliance using the Journal Checker Tool before submission. Please note that Transformative Agreements are only accessible to Brunel authors meeting the eligibility criteria above.